Print out this article, sit back and
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine,
but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers, and they will
turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables." 2 Timothy
What you are about to read may shock you. It may even wake you up from your slumber and allow
you to escape the plagues that afflict those who won't come out of her. Get ready for an eye-opening revelation!
Your own church may be an Apostate Church and you don't even know it. We will use a simple question & answer format
or use a simple statement to pose a problem and briefly explain an answer, based on the Bible. It is designed to make
you think and evaluate your standing with Christ and to insure that you are being loyal to Christ and not some organization
that appears religious and is not of God's Kingdom.
Here is one thought to ponder. Jesus proclaimed that many, most
will go to hell and very few will enter heaven. Now how can it be that all the tens of thousands of churches
in America today all believe they are going to heaven? Get the idea? The multitudes
believe they are going to heaven and are being taught that they are, but blatantly with great arrogance they disregard what
Jesus says.
Do you really want to keep on believing what your pastor keeps telling you or
are you wise enough to listen to your Lord and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth? Will you dare to explore the truth as God
Word proclaims the truth to be? Or are you one of the many who will be sadly surprised one day to discover they
are perishing in hell because they were lied to by a pastor? Jesus has a message for religious
people, "Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels." If that does not frighten
you, nothing will. I hope it scares you like it scared me to search and find the truth in this great apostate age we
now live in. The Great Apostasy and the falling away is right inside your own church!
Christians say they read the Bible, but they do not learn from it and they do not put into practice
what they have learned. God warned that those who do this will be cut off from Him and will forever seek the truth and
not find it. That is the pattern in many churches today; a bunch of lazy do-nothing Christians playing church on Sunday (which is not the Sabbath and never will be) and being
mislead by false ministers in sheep clothing. These are just some of the fruits of the apostate church.
What if 666 means Pastor, Church, Pulpit?
Did you know that the promises of God as written in the Bible are not for the apostates? The
promises for them do not come true and God fails to answer their prayers. That is why the promises of God are disregarded
by many pastors and churches today - James Russell
What is an Apostate Church? It is a church that appears Godly,
but is not truly of God. It believes not the true Gospel of the Lord, or it pretends to believe, but will not obey.
It is a church that produces no real good fruit. It may look good on the outside and sound good on the inside, but its
members produce no good fruit on an individual basis. The members are not taught to proclaim
the Gospel and are not trained on how to do it. It is a fine religion that does little but serve itself.
It is a cult. This church has a form
of Godliness but denies the power of God. It tickles the ears of its members with good tidings and refrains from
inflicting hell-fire sermons for it would offend these sheep. Repentance, holiness and
good works are frowned upon. And much more! Just because all the churches are doing the same things does
not negate God's Word or His commands. The apostate churches creating the great falling away will certainly disobey God's commands and yet appear as angels of light. And that is
why you don't see Christians distributing Gospel tracts or even care to and pastors not preaching sermons on how to reach
the lost for Christ. They don't care! Action speaks louder than words.
Daniel Webster Comment in the Year 1823
"If religious literature is not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know
what is going to become of us as a nation. If truth be not diffused, error will be; if God and His Word are not known
and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendancy; if the evangelical volume does not
reach every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will; if the power of the gospel is not felt throughout
the length and breath of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness, will reign without
mitigation or end."
My name is Paul M. & reside in Rhode Island for my whole life except for four years in the Air Force.
I am sixty years old and reborn in the Holy Spirit for 34 years. My Mother prayed for 7 years for my conversion and I would
swear at her nasty words the more she was nice to me. It was a revelation & God's mercy that touched my soul one night.
Anyway- I came to Jesus, in time, and served Him faithfully for the last 34 years. He did appear to me for about 7 minutes
one day and He instructed me to touch His people - who are believers in Him. Since that day-- I have witnessed many
MIRACLES from Cancers to transplants healed instantly. Hundreds of people healed as in the Bible. When I read your article-
you are positively right- the churches have watered down the Words of Christ and the Power they have. The reason is that in
the future, I wish to find some Indians to minister to for their salvation and healing. I do not do it for money and I refuse
all monies offered to me, as Jesus said in the scriptures, it is freely given to you - therefore freely give back. If you
hear of anyone needing help - please- e-mail me here crmal@verizon.net God Bless you and I loved the site. It shows the promises of God/Jesus are true. Thanking you for reading my comments.
- Sincerely, Paul M.
Mind Control is Used? Apostate churches do use powerful forms of suggestion hypnosis
to corral the person into its trap. People on the whole are ensnared into
religions worldwide and the Lord Jesus knew about this and proclaimed you can be enslaved and controlled by religion.
He told his Disciples to not listen to the Pharisees and to beware of the leaven (teachings)
of the Pharisees. That is one reason why Jesus said the truth will set you free, because if you do not follow Jesus' truth
you are indeed enslaved to religion, one way or another. Jesus strongly commanded his Apostles to leave the Jewish
religion to follow Him and not to do what the Pharisees do. The Apostles were set free from slavery and became free
from religion. They kept preaching Jesus' Gospel despite the Pharisees commands to cease. They became outcasts
for Jesus set free from religion. Today you can see how the pastor "controls" the congregation
with commands; "sit, rise, kneel, pray, bow your head." These are the basic elements that begin hypnotic mind control,
the giving of suggestions as commands. Once it begins it escalates to the point of idolizing and worshipping
the pastor (or priest) as "somebody special." This kind of control would have been easily discovered if people met in
their homes on a small scale. Today, churches are so huge and absolutely conducted in a
highly controlled environment by the pastor. Again, the building of physical churches is a sandy and false foundation
where corruption is allowed to fester. The Bible never intended the flock to become subjected to a pastor and to be
led to believe the pastor's personal financial investment is the house of God. Wake up, if you can. Mind control
is how cults recruit, retain and control members. It is a hard thing to come to the truth, but it is very liberating.
Jesus wants you free so you can work directly for Him.
The Church to exist must be Biblical? The church system you see
today is not Biblical. It is a system built by men to serve themselves. The Bible never instructed the Apostles
to build a church of any sort or of any size. They met in homes and they never took a monetary collection to "build
a church." The concept of building a central physical church is not Biblical at all. And to put a pastor in charge
and to own and possess that church and its wealth is not Biblical. Read your Bible and see if you can find these instructions. Also, Jesus demonstrated clearly that God will not live in a church building when He had the
Temple of Jerusalem torn down. Even God's Word explains that He will not be contained within walls of buildings.
So beware when pastors proclaim "their" church is the "House of God" for it is
not God's house, it is the pastor's house and his estate. Too much emphasis is placed on the "physical church" but Jesus'
church is of individuals that do the will of His Father. Church as we see it today is commonplace and is a wide road
to destruction and is a breeding ground of cults and false religions. Jesus warned that many would come in His name,
and they sure have come into every neighborhood as you can see.
Then every pastor in a physical church is a false teacher? If the foundation
is corrupt the building falls to ruin. If the pastor is operating an apostate church then he is a false teacher.
Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice and they follow me." - John 10:27. Today, the Christian people listen, obey and follow
the pastor more than Jesus. The pastor "interprets"
what Jesus meant, instead of declaring what Jesus said. The entire system is corrupted because God never authorized
the building of physical churches. It is not authorized in His Word the Bible and it was never demonstrated by any Apostle.
Even Paul never bought a church or built a church or sold a church or used a church to make a living (he taught the Gospel
and mended tents to make a living). The only time a collection of money was taken by Christians
was to help each other and to send forth someone to proclaim the Gospel. Today pastors take the money (tithes) and
use for themselves to make a living and then produce little to no fruit. Today, it is much like it was in the Pharisee
system where they convert their followers to defy God's word and His commands. If you read the New Testament Bible you
will discover that the same system, but worse, exists that Jesus had to face with the Jewish people. He would have to
do the same scolding, too! It is getting more and more difficult to find a true church. The
condition is not improving. Jesus warned that there would be a "great falling away" just prior to His coming.
Churches are filled with false converts, repentance and hell is not preached in the pulpits, obedience to the Lord's commands
are dismissed, the Sabbath is routinely defiled, God's tithe money is stolen and is not predominately used for His work to
proclaim the Gospel, The Gospel is confiscated and hidden from the public view. The lost are not being saved and much,
much more. Every church I have seen in America is doing these things.
Then who should be our teacher? The
very Bible is clear on who should be your teacher and it is not to be your pastor or deacon or bishop or any other man; but
God who abides in you. Read it for yourself and believe. "But the anointing which you have received from Him abides
in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and
is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him." If you want to
abide in Christ you need to stop listening to others and start listening to the Holy Ghost or you will fall for lies and deceptions.
Churchgoers are starving for knowledge and they will purchase every teaching product pastors can produce and they go astray
being led by a substitute. The Holy One who lives within is shoved aside and the pastor's voice is placed on a pedestal
in the mind and worshipped as the word of God because he appears as a holy man of God saying wonderful things. Also,
beware of those Sunday school teachers. Many of them are not born-again and a good number of them have been caught in
criminal activity. You can read about that in the news. The point is we are being taught by men and not God.
That is what the apostate system is all about. It substitutes itself for
God in many ways. To the apostate church member it would be unthinkable
to skip church worship services to go proclaim the Gospel to the lost. It is more important to them to attend church
service and ignore the proclaiming of the Gospel. That is what is going on. The devil is delighted when Christians do
not mess with his territory and he applauds Sunday worship attendance. Where in the Bible
does it say that attending church services takes priority over obeying God's Word? If the Bible is true, then how come
you are not obeying it? How many souls have you reached for Christ last week? The answer is likely zero.
You are just going to church each week thinking you are doing God's will and you are actually scattering by not gathering
souls for Christ. What you do is more important than what you think. You think you
are a good Christian, but you are actually the enemy of God if you do not do His will.
God's will has always been a mystery. It certainly is a mystery
to those who keep listening to their pastor's teachings. You will never learn the truth from your pastor, not today
in the apostate system that is firmly entrenched in the church. God does not care about your employment when you seek
His will for you. He wants you to share your light with others in this dark world, that
is His will. Your employment is your own career choice and you will not find advice in the Bible to help you get a job.
Many are misguided in searching for God's will for their lives because their pastors have blinded them from the truth. God's will is easy to find, just read the Bible and you will see what God wants you to do.
Feed the hungry, cloth the naked, share the Gospel, save the lost, care for widows and orphans, bear much good fruit, obey
His commands, be merciful, etc. It is so simple to find God's will. The moment
you begin to do what God wants you to do for Him, then He will direct your paths and give you good success in whatsoever you
do. It is as plain as the nose on your face. The church has
become a church of beggars. Each begging God for deliverance of some ailment
or situation. But these hypocrites God has closed His eyes on their requests. They want deliverance but they also
want enslavement for the lost souls. God wants you to be healed, but He also wants you to share
you healing with others. To share the Gospel so others can be h healed. If you have a disease, then go tell others
that God can heal them and you will get your healing. Go ahead and
do it. Leave healing-related Gospel tracts in hospitals, doctor offices, waiting rooms, phone booths, etc. Now
you are doing God's will and sharing His mercy to others. Now you are bearing much good fruit and that is God's will
for you. If you don't want to do that, then suffer with your disease and affliction because
God will not hear the prayers of the unmerciful. Jesus promised that those who are
merciful shall receive mercy. Today, being a good churchgoer is to not share the Gospel and to be unmerciful.
It is no wonder there is so much sickness and demonic attacks upon these people.
The church has evicted Christ? This is true. They preach another Gospel and another Jesus Christ. The churches have
become filled with ravenous wolf pastors who appear as servants of God, but are as roaring lions devouring the flock. This means those that are devoured are not going to heaven otherwise they would be untouchable and
not devoured at all. Jesus warned not to be devoured. He warned not to be deceived
by false teachers. The big denominations do not agree with each other. Do you know why? It is because
they have evicted the truth from their doctrine. They evict Jesus Christ of Nazareth and
created another Jesus who says things that the real Jesus never said or condoned. They have a counterfeit system
that clashes with each other. God is not the author of confusion. These denominations are too busy studying and
deciphering and interpreting the Bible to suit their own belief systems then they fall upon a formula and claim it is the
Gospel. It is only their own gospel. As a rule, you will notice the churchgoers in these denomination just go
with the flow. They attend church worship services each week and do nothing more. You will not even find a gospel
tract in their pocket ready to be handed out to some lost person or left somewhere where it could be found. The real Jesus is not inside that church because where the real Jesus is there will be power and there will be witnessing.
There will be zeal in the heart to share the Gospel with others who are lost. There will be a desire to see others
saved. There will even be a desire to obtain a mansion in heaven by storing up good works where thieves and rust
can not destroy. The zeal is to do what Jesus said to do. Period. Learn and do just like James said to do.
When another false Christ arrives you will see death and destruction.
Churches in America preach death and destruction? Yes, they do.
It is so subtle you would not recognize it easily. The average church pastor preaches the
nice things of God. They always preach the nice things to uplift your spirit (but it does not last, you must come back
for another dose next week). But what they are doing is preaching death and destruction by not preaching the entire
Word of God. If I can make you believe you are saved and you are not born-again then I am a good devil indeed.
I have just said nice things to make you feel saved, but I have sent you to hell's fire for all eternity. Why? I never
told you to repent from your sins and to go bear much good fruit to save others from hell. See how easy that was?
You can have the most talented pastor who preaches with a soothing voice of an angel or with the shouting authority of God
himself (so it may seem) but he can take you to hell with such foolishness. Most church members do not even know that
the pastor legally owns the church building that they paid to build so they can't even decipher the theatrics being used against
them behind church walls. These pastors will not preach about obedience to God's commands and desires and they certainly
will not dare proclaim hell's fire sermons that just may make you fear the Lord. You see,
if you fear the Lord you will really be fearful of His power and His anger. Jesus used angry words too in His lifetime
and he used unpleasant parables to describe the horrors of God's judgment upon His servants. The apostate church
does well to teach that its church members are exempt from such things and so they send their own church members to hell.
Terrible and shocking but it is true. Death and destruction will come upon all who do not fear the Lord and God promises
it no matter how cleverly your pastor has devised doctrines to say otherwise. Churches today are jam-pack-full of non-born-again
believers and none of these church members are getting into heaven. Jesus is not a liar, but your pastor is a pathological
liar if he says otherwise and many pastors do say otherwise to deceive the flock. The apostate church system is Satan's
church and those who serve it are serving Satan, not God. The church may sound religious and it may feel good and right
and may even say wonderful prayers, but if true born-again believers are not being created and are not bearing much good fruit
then it is a false church.
All pastors that preach hell fire sermons are true pastors? No, they are
not true pastors. That is not the only sign. There are apostate pastors that do preach
and warn of hell fire, but they only put on a loud theatrical show when doing so. They do this to incite the
crowd into believing it is a prophet of God speaking to them. They are actually witnessing the Holy Ghost speaking through
that pastor, when it is not the Holy Ghost speaking. That is the effect it has. A pastor can preach hell-fire
sermons and still lead the flock to hell quite easily. All he has to do is preach it, but
never enforce it. What this means is the pastor will let the flock go on sinning. He will never evict anybody
from his church, no matter how heinous the offence may be. Everybody is welcome to stay, forever. As long
as you give money to his church you can bet you will stay, one way or another. He will not expose the sin of another
and evict him from his church. A man may be known to womanize other church members wives, but the nice pastor turns
a blind eye. Prostitutes may be invading the church preying on wrecking homes, but the
good pastor believes church is a place for sinners - and that makes him a no-good pastor. The early church had evictions,
but how come your church has no evictions? Is your pastor better than the Apostles? He's so good that nobody in
the church sins unrepentantly? Don't kid yourself. The hireling is dangerous and if your pastor is a hireling
then Jesus already warned you that he cares not for the flock. Jesus said it and I believe what He said regardless
if it is not politically correct to say. Hireling are dangerous wolves in sheep clothing and they will kill, steal and
destroy the sheep. That is what they do and they do it well.
Do you mean to say Satan approves of Sunday worship? Absolutely, yes.
He loves it. It is a perfect insult to God. Get Christians to worship God on another day to dishonor, make unholy
and violate the real Sabbath day (Saturday) is one insult. Another is to then to have everyone
sing wonderful songs that they love and obey the Lord while disobeying God's 4th Commandment making the real Sabbath day unholy,
contrary to what God Commands. This is just the foundation of the apostate church system. The end result
that makes the devils shout with glee is seeing all the Christians lying to God. Inside the church they say and promise
so many wonderful things to God and then when they leave church they do not do them. If
you read the lyrics to Christian songs they are often full of promises to God of which none of them are kept. Read the
words of the prayers they pray and many are promises to God they do not keep. These Christians have become faithful
liars mimicking the father of lies, Satan. Jesus scolded the Pharisees - who were very religious men - and called them
the sons of Satan who listen to Satan as their father and do his works. That is what is going on inside the churches
today. Christians do not bear fruit to do the work God wants them to do. They do not go
into the public places and witness. They do not share the Gospel to the lost. While crime ravages a city,
the churchgoers are too busy worshipping God and making promises to God they have no intention
of keeping. The pastor does not care to change anything because the congregation
turned him into a hireling (Jesus warned you a hireling will absolutely lead you astray). As long as the people
keep coming back and deposit money to the pastor he is fat, happy and content and so are the devils in hell seeing that Christians
are not fighting back their evil in the world. It will be no wonder these Christians will be shocked to discover on
judgment day Christ will say He does not know them and will send them to hell. Jesus warned,
"You must be born again." Your fruit is the sign that you are.
Christians are saved and will not go to hell. Only born-again Christians are saved, not churchgoers and pew warmers or religious pagans who think
they are born-again and are not. If you are not proclaiming the Gospel to the lost every day then you had better sit
down because you are not born-again. You are not doing what God wants you to do. You have no deep and true
desire to please God. The Bible is very clear about this that God wants the lost to be saved and you must share you
faith with others to save them from hell's fire. If you are not sharing your faith, then you don't have holy faith to
share. You have a counterfeit faith, not a Godly faith. The apostate church promotes
a false conversion that makes you believe you are born-again when you are not. If you stay in this mode you will eventually
die and discover too late you can not enter heaven because you were not born-again. You may blame the church, but it
is your fault because you let the church deceive you. You never searched for the truth in God's Word. You never
doubted the church teaching, but you distrusted God's Word and chose not to follow God's Word. You trusted your pastor
too much and he led you astray. The blind leading the blind into the pit of hell. There
is no "once saved always saved" guarantee in the Bible for those who are not born-again. True born-again servants
of God are very busy serving God and the one sign that you will see is their daily personal zeal in proclaiming the Gospel
to the lost. Today, it is rare to even see one such person in the entire church assembly. Nobody is bragging about how many people they have led to Christ last week. Saving the lost is the farthest
thing from their mind. That fruit is missing in the church.
But many churches do have outreach ministries. Most all are
ineffective and are for show and others are for recruiting efforts only to increase the church membership. True born-again conversions are missing. And the big mistake is that Christians are being led to believe
they do not have to personally share the Gospel because they give money to their church and the church does the sharing.
They think they can walk away from their responsibility and shift it to someone else. Jesus said you must bear fruit
and that you must not hide your light and if you do not gather then you scatter. He did not say this to a church.
He said it for you to obey. See how the apostate church operates? It is a system of substitution. It substitutes
itself in place of your personal responsibilities. It has switched places and is now robbing you of obeying God and
bearing much good fruit. The apostate church system is evil beyond your imagination. It is worse then you ever
thought it could be. It is taking millions of Christians to hell with its false teachings and substitutions. That
is why there are so many denominations and false religions because Satan knows they work for him. Religion is very good
in Satan's eyes so he creates new churches with aggressive zeal. So what good is having outreach ministries operated
by apostate churches? If each member is not proclaiming the Gospel on a personal basis
then they are bearing spoiled-rotten fruit, self-replicating itself on a larger scale. To send a person to hell
by tricking him into believing he is saved is a rotten business and the churches are doing just this. Some churches have overseas ministries and they should be right here at home cleaning up their own act saving the
lost in our inner cities, but that would be messing with Satan's territory.
As long as each church member is not out saving the lost then that church is not obeying Christ's command and is not obeying
God's agenda to save the lost. Anyone who dares to read the Bible and hear what Jesus says to them will have their ears
opened. If you love Jesus you will obey Him and do what He said for you to do. Jesus said that. Didn't you
know? If so, then why do you disobey Him? Jesus gave you an outreach ministry so
how come you are not doing it?
Not everyone can be in the ministry. Oh
yes they can. Jesus told everyone that will follow him they should bear much good fruit and they should go forth and
proclaim the Gospel to the lost. The moment you accept Christ as Lord and Savior you are automatically ordained by Jesus
to go and that is the highest ordination you can ever receive. You get the Master's degree right from the
Master. Notice how new believers get on fire for the Lord and want to tell everyone, then
soon their fire is quenched by their association with the dead inside the church
system. There is no reason to let the fire within be burned out. You just
keep on proclaiming God's Word everywhere you go. Don't get involved with recruiting members into a church as
it may be an apostate system (even if you think it is not, it very well may be apostate).
I know from experience. I have gone forth proclaiming the Gospel every day for years and have not lost my fire.
Why? Because I do not work for a church or a pastor. I work for Jesus Christ of Nazareth. My job is to put
out the Word of God one way or another to the lost. If they accept, fine. If not, that is their right. Jesus
said to just put out the Gospel. He did not say to coral new converts into a church building or even to build
a physical church building. In any case, Jesus said if you love Him you will obey Him. It is better to disobey
your pastor than to disobey God. It is better to walk away from your church than to turn you eyes away from God's commands
and desires. It is high time more Christians disobey the church system and begin to obey
God's Word. I have no fear of the church, but I have a great fear upon
Him who has the power to destroy the body and soul in hell. Him I fear. You get into the ministry the moment
you hear Jesus tell you to go share your faith with others. You start your personal ministry
the minute you read in the Bible that God wants the lost to be saved. If you do not obey these small commands,
then God will certainly leave you behind to rot inside your church and he will close the door to heaven in your face.
Just as you have closed the door to Salvation and grace and mercy to others who desired it, but you never shared it with them.
God will not be mocked. You can not lie to God and get away with it. You are either
in the ministry or you are out of it. Luke warm Christians will be vomited out of his mouth. Jesus really
did say that! That does not sound like an invitation to heaven. Do not be fooled by your church teachings. Learn
from the Master. Listen to what Jesus is saying in the Bible to you. He wants you
to minister to others and that means everyone, including the lost..
We built our church to serve God. That is nearly impossible as a
bank will not just give loans to a congregation to build a church. Pastors are building physical churches with the congregation
money that the pastor owns as personal assets. This process of taking money from the flock to enrich the pastor, or
even to earn a living from the flock, is not Biblical at all. It is a man-made process to become wealthy at the congregation's
expense. Jesus warned us that many would come in His name to deceive and many there are doing just that! Of course,
this would not apply to your church, just the other guy's church. It is high time people open their eyes while they
still can. You can become blinded if you refuse to see or are unable to see because
of sin in your life. Jesus has given this statement of fact to those in His day "If you had known... in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your
eyes." Luke 19:42. Your pastor or your denomination owns the deed
to your church, not the congregation. The money is being spent on things that do not share the Gospel to others, only
a tiny bit to make it look legitimate, but most of the money is being saved and invested and stockpiled to make persons rich
inside the denomination with huge salaries and exorbitant benefits. The
individual in the congregation pays for this. On judgment day you will be held accountable for being a good or bad steward. Giving your money (tithes) to these false churches gains
you zero credit with God. Many pastors have personal church assets of over 25 million dollars. Some over
55 million and a few in the hundreds of millions. There are personal and
private ministries with over 200 million dollars in savings and assets.
All of this is 100% unbiblical, but people keep giving these false teachers more of their tithe monies. Many churches
do not absolutely serve God or anyone else except for the needs and desires of church members. The lost are usually
not contacted.
There are thousands of churches everywhere. Just because you
see thousands of physical churches everywhere in your travels does not make one right in God's eye. All can be false
churches led by false pastors that bear no good fruit. If the lost is not being saved, be careful of that church.
They do not share the same agenda the God shares. All of the congregation must be active
in saving the lost. If you don't see this happening, be aware that it is an Apostate church, even if it is your church.
Do not be fooled by churches and church members who are not bearing good fruit for the Lord. Beware of those who are
not proclaiming the Gospel to others, as they are false followers. They may be sincere,
but they are sincerely wrong and these blind men and women can lead you into the pit.
The Holy Ghost resides inside the church. That is another lie pastors
tell the flock to keep people coming back to their church. The Bible is clear
on where the Holy Ghost resides and it is not inside a church building. God's Spirit resides
within the born-again believer. Read John 14. The church building the pastor owns and operates is no more
holy than a bar room. It is brick and mortar, wood and paint. The pastor makes it look holy, but that building
is not holy at all and there is no New Testament Biblical proof that "all pastors" have holy churches. The flock has
been greatly deceived for many years by this apostate church system. It has infected every church and every denomination.
None are spared. Jesus warned of this that even the very elect would be deceived if it were possible. Today, attending church is more important than performing the works of God. It is better to obey God and do
what He tells you to do than to keep on blindly obeying your pastor. You are being taught things that are not
Biblical and the end result is you will be serving the pastor's church and not
God. The Pharisees did the same thing. Nothing has changed.
So, we do not need the church? You don't want to be a member
of a cult or false religion do you? You certainly do not need that. If the modern church has fallen away from
the truth and is now teaching lies, deception, false witness and abandoned God's will you need to get out of that church system
or you will perish with it. When you get filled with the Holy Ghost and are born again
you will discover you don't need to be taught by apostate pastors as the Spirit will do the teaching and enlightening.
When you see a wolf you need to run as fast as you can away from it. A wolf can run faster than a sheep, so get out
quickly before it devours you completely. Pastors are very smart people
and that makes them dangerous to the congregation. They can easily mislead. They are good at it, most people who
attend their church can't see the deception. God has given them up to believe the fables these pastors preach.
God said He would do this and He has. What you need more than church is to get born-again and follow Jesus. Jesus said, "Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men." Today people
follow the pastor and end up not fishing for anything. Read this article; Fishing. All you need is the Lord in these last days. The churches
have become apostate. You have been warned to come out from them. Serve the Lord or serve your Pastor. Make your
choice because you can't serve two masters.
What more proof can you give that today's churches have gone astray?
It is easy to give proof. The Ten Commandments were never destroyed by Jesus. We
are still commanded to keep them, all ten of them! The Roman Catholic church decided it wanted to change the
Sabbath from Friday evening to Saturday evening (the true Sabbath of the Old Testament) and they changed it to Sunday.
This is a direct violation of the fourth Commandment to keep the Sabbath holy.
Now all the Christian churches routinely violate God's law and hold church services on Sunday. In God's eyes this is
nothing but an insult of false loyalty and disobedience. Man does not have the rightful authority to change the Ten
Commandments. Jesus never gave that command and He himself (including Mary and the Apostles) always kept the true Sabbath
holy and it was not Sunday! So, here we have a Christian system build upon sand, violating God's commandment.
The average Christian is now working and playing on the true Sabbath violating God's word and
command, then goes to church on Sunday thinking it is the Sabbath.
Everything has been turned up-side-down. It is not Biblical to keep the Sabbath on Sunday.
Find it in your Bible where we are to violate God's fourth commandment. I am not a Seventh Day Adventist, but you can
learn a lot about this from the Seventh Day Adventist who are absolutely right on this Sabbath subject. When you do
learn the truth, it will "awaken" you to how corruption has sneaked into the churches.
Why do we have all these churches? People inside these Apostate
churches suddenly get "called" to be a pastor thinking it is a call from God. It reality it is a call for a new career.
They go to Bible College to get a divinity degree, graduate and go build a new church somewhere. Yet none to few are
truly called of God. God never used multitudes to do his special work. He used prophets
and a few apostles out of millions of people. Today we have millions of pastors and millions of churches and
still the millions of members are just playing church and not obeying the Lord's commands. They are all being mislead
by blind men. There are pastors making huge fortunes of money operating their churches, tens of millions of dollars
a year adding into their own personal estate (the church is their estate). There are tiny churches not doing so well,
but when you look at the congregation of both churches the result is the same; the members are do-nothing Christians.
Most have never even witnessed to a stranger; the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most have not even done so last week.
They are being taught not to witness by the pastor by not teaching them to witness. This is a different system and different
outcome that Jesus desires.
Sunday Worship. The Bible is so clear on this issue and yet a great majority
of Christian churches are attending church on the wrong day! Sunday is not the Sabbath, never was and never will be.
Jesus never attended a Sunday service and He never authorized anyone to change the Ten Commandments because God commands us
to keep the Sabbath day holy. The Sabbath is Friday evening to Saturday evening. The Jews still honor this day,
but Roman Catholics changed this day to Sunday (Sunday is still named after Sun Worshippers). The Apostles never told
us to attend Sunday services. Sunday worship services are a new tradition of men and is
not ordained of God. Some pastors like to say, "We are Christians, we honor the
Lord on Sunday" but the Bible is clear that Saturday is the day to honor. Who is right? God is right and
it is high time we obey God's commandments and not the traditions of men. The Seventh Day Adventist denomination are
right on the money when it comes to keeping the Sabbath on Saturday (this is not to say this denomination is the one or only
true church). You can learn a lot from them about Sunday worship and how it falls away from the Bible and God's commandments.
I am not a Seventh Day Adventist, but I have learned much from them about this truth. They have magazines and booklets
you can read to set you straight on this issue. Do not be led astray. We are still
to obey the Ten Commandments. You can't kill, you can't lie, you can't steal, and you can't worship God on Sunday without
violating that command. Before Jesus arose to heaven he told his Disciples to... " teach them to obey all that I have
commanded." Many are being mislead today by pastors that disobey the Lord's commands. Read the Bible and you will find no authorization to worship God on Sunday or to keep Sunday holy. The truth
can be painful, but it will set you free if you seek the truth. Are we now desecrating the Sabbath?
Salvation Without Works. Today
the call is out to all the lost to come to the Lord as is, without repentance and once a church member they do not need to
work to proclaim the Gospel. No good fruit is required! What we then end up with is good-for-nothing Christians
that are unrepentant and continue in their sinful lifestyles and desires. Being born again,
which produces a visible change in the person and ignites a fire to proclaim the Gospel is no longer required. Just
keep coming back to church each Sunday (or Saturday) and you will be saved. The Bible refutes this apostasy and Jesus
proclaimed in parables of the worthless servant's reward and it is hell fire. Jesus also warned, "If you do not gather,
you scatter..." so, do-nothing Christians are not going to enter into heaven. Yes, a person
can be saved, but they can also slowly backslide away and become a stumbling block to the Lord. You will know them from
their fruit. Exactly what fruit are you bearing for the Lord? Remember, the Lord wants action and results,
not lips that worship with no works. Apostle James speaks much about faith being dead
without works. Works do not save, but once saved and born again you will produce good fruit to save the lost.
There is no such thing of a Christian who does not produce good fruit for the Lord. Remember, the Pharisees
were very religious, but Jesus told them their father was not God, but the devil because they do the devil's work. Are
you gathering souls for the Lord? This evangelistic work is a requirement the Lord demands of you directly and personally.
You can't donate your money for others to do the work you are supposed to do, but most churches do not dare teach the truth.
Many pastors do not want you to start your own personal ministry because it may reduce funding for that church as you invest
in "good soil" instead of a church that bears little to no good fruit.
Feel Good Sermons You are not going to hear sermons about hell fire and taking
personal responsibility to the Lord in the apostate church. You will get sermons that uplift
and make you feel just perfectly wonderful. Many sermons Jesus gave are "deleted" and not discussed in the sermon.
Sermons that can convict a person to get to work for the Lord to save the lost do not exist. Some pastors will preach
it to appear righteous, but they will not enforce it as a rule to remain a member of the church. All bark, no bite.
It boils down to leading the congregation to disregard God's commands and requirements and tickle
the ears of all who will listen to the wonderful Gospel of prosperity and blissful
happiness. This is part of the Gospel, yes, but it is not all of the Gospel. The apostate church loudly
and confidently proclaims the good uplifting sermons, but ignores God's "requirements" to obtain those blessings. Most of the blessing in God's word is "conditional" upon obedience to God's Word. John the Baptist
and Jesus first words when beginning their ministry cried out "Repent! Repent!"
The apostate church will not press upon the congregation deep sadness sermons to create repentance.
They only believe in the "feel-good" Gospel and it becomes a false Gospel when the "entire truth" is not told. Beware
of these false ministers who boldly defy the Lord's commands.
Miracles Do not be mislead by false pastors that sound great and
appear to be holy servants of the Lord because they are not anointed of God. How can you tell? Not just by the
fruit, because the fruit looks so Biblically correct. Healings of disease, miracles and wonderful things happen "behind
closed doors." Hypnotism, works on the power of suggestion and it too will produce temporary healings and miracles. Jesus and the Apostles performed miracles in public, in plain view of many outdoors, not in
"controlled environments." They did not use music and worship services
as theatrical stage play production status to "work-up" the people to believe that a certain pastor has healing power.
Of course, it could be true the person is anointed of God, but this true anointing will not be used behind closed doors in
auditoriums or in churches. It will be used in public. You will also see a collection of funding for this ministry
to enrich this person. There is a minister alive today working wonderful miracles behind closed doors and has an eight
million dollar mansion. Imagine that, $8,000,000.00 home. Now that money you gave to this minister built that
lavish home, but the minister lied to you with a holy-like smile when you were told your donation was for God's ministry!
There are now Christian Television producers getting fabulously rich with some owning over 29 homes, numerous expensive vehicles
and aircraft and multiple mega-mansions! They conduct telephone sales pitches, to get people to give money to proclaim
the Gospel worldwide, but your money is also going to support a super lavish lifestyle beyond the reach of even movie star
salaries! This happens because people are relinquishing their own personal ministries and sending money to other
ministries that appear to be doing good works. The lost do not enter churches. The lost do not attend healing
ministry auditoriums. The lost do not watch Christian television. They are in the world, in the bar rooms, dance
halls, concerts, casinos, etc. It’s the Christians who are going to church, watching Christian TV for entertainment
and attending healing ministries and the lost are not being reached. Our cities are crumbling
at its knees from the lost and the Christian is too busy not to reach out to them, personally. Something is wrong with
this picture and spells a-p-o-s-t-a-t-e.
Selling Sermons. Ministers are going hog-wild producing and selling the Word
of God. Yet Jesus said, freely you have received, freely give. It has become
big business and some church pastors have amassed personal fortunes of over 50 million dollars! Of course, these sermons
will always be the feel-good type and some pastor's will even mix in some insults to give the sermons an air of legitimacy,
but the end result is big profits to sell the Word of God to Christians. Of course Bibles do cost money to produce and
a book publisher will need to recover these costs and make a profit, but that is not church, it is a business. A church
is not a business! Read the Bible and it will tell you what a church is, but it is not intended to be a device to enrich
the personal fortunes of pastors! Today pastors are taking money from the congregation to produce sermons for sale then
they sell the sermons and the pastor gets rich. Yes, the pastor get personally
rich. He owns the church and all the assets. That too is not Biblical. Jesus
and the Apostles never instructed anyone to sell the Gospel to get rich, but pastors are doing it and convincing the
sheep all is well. Pastors are prostituting the Gospel by selling it. They don't give these video sermons away
for free to the lost. Think about that! The collection should be taken from the congregation to produce the sermon
and give the sermons away for free to the lost in the community. That is
now reaching out to the lost to fulfill the Great Commission. Selling the sermons is not Biblical. Are you being
scammed? Think about what fruit is being born and who is getting the fruit of these sermon sales. Note:
it is not wrongful to write a book and sell it, but it is wrongful to take money from people to finance that project and enrich
yourself and give nothing to those who invested in the project. The pastor, in this case, keeps all the profits for
himself and then gives none of these sermons to reach to lost. He is only interested in making a sale (usually to Christians).
You will also notice that most all of the congregation has no desire to personally get involved
to save the lost. Few if any will even reliably distribute Gospel tracts. The fruit here is profits for
the church and no works from the congregation. Wake up, there is apostasy in the church today!
Convincing Ministers How false ministers deceive
is to appear as a righteous man of God. He will proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and he will quote the Bible
with great wisdom and authority. He will be the perfect pastor for the church, so it seems. But underneath
is a ravaging mean wolf taking the money from the flock so the flock can't bear
good fruit for the Lord. Keep in mind that God's agenda is to save the lost, not
build more churches and schools or sell more sermons, publish magazines and product catalogs, etc. God want the lost
to be saved. The false minister take some money and gives to the poor, but it is
really only a very tiny amount compared to the gross take from the congregation. The false minister will preach that
his ministry is "good soil" so you should give your money (tithes and offerings) to him or the denomination. God will
call you to account on judgment day and your church and pastor will not be present, except to accuse you as witnesses
of neglecting to proclaiming the Gospel. You must produce the fruit. You can't just delegate this responsibility
away to your pastor or denomination. You have been fairly warned by Jesus by His parables.
The false Christ is a minister that preaches a Gospel to make money. Jesus never instructed anyone to create
a church to make money. The Apostles never instructed anyone to collect money to build a church or a school. These
things "appear" to be good, but they do not reach the lost for Christ and that is the bottom line. God wants the lost to be saved. The false minister or denomination will build churches and other buildings
to self-serve its members, but the lost will not be effectively reached. The false minister will implore you
to proclaim the Gospel, to get you to recruit more church members. But
don't you dare start your own ministry to reach the lost, or else! There is only one true ministry and that is the one
you are now attending (is what you will be convinced to believe). The pastor will be so good at deceiving you that you
will not believe he could ever do such a thing. Lesson to be learned? Stop listening to your pastor and listen to the
Lord Jesus Christ. Read the Bible! Jesus said many would be deceived and will perish in hell. Jesus said
it very clearly, that His sheep will hear His voice and will not respond to another. Think about who you are listening
to? Who are you obeying? You can't serve two masters, so make your choice right now whom you will serve.
Many are serving their pastor and their denominations and are not obeying Jesus' commands.
Our Pastor Teaches God's Word. Your pastor may be teaching you
to learn the Word of God, but also teaching you to not obey it. He may not be enforcing
any requirements upon you to obey the Lord's commands. It is likely that your pastor has never taught you how to proclaim
the Gospel and assist you in going forth into the inner city (where al the crime, drugs, prostitution and sin resides) to
reach out to the lost. Have you and do you take time to specifically proclaim the Gospel to people you do not
know? Perfect strangers? Bad people steeped in sin? How many people have you
shared the Gospel with last week? Last month? Last year? Of course I can hear you say, "Well, my church helps
the local Gospel mission and we support or send missionaries to other countries..." But the original question remains.
If you are in an apostate church it will not produce upon its members a desire and willingness
to save the lost. To go save the worst of the worst sinners! If anything, your pastor will teach you all
is well with you and God and you will go to heaven (despite your not saving the lost and working to gather souls for God).
You scatter if you do not gather. Notice Jesus said "you" not your church or denomination. He is speaking
to you! If you are not reaching out to the lost your preacher is not teaching you the full-Gospel,
only bits of the Word that will make you feel good. Remember, if you allow yourself to be deceived by a false
pastor you will be sent to hell. You will not be able to claim, "But, Lord, I was lied to." You have a responsibility
to read the Bible and obey Jesus commands. Remember, all the Apostles had to leave their
religion to follow Jesus. They could not remain Jews any longer to become Christian. Leave the apostate church if you must to follow Jesus and follow Him alone. Church has become a crutch for
many. It is better to go forth and proclaim the Gospel as a voice in the wilderness than join a dead church and remain
in it. Jesus said, "Let the dead bury the dead." If you are not bearing fruit, get out of that church now
before it is too late to escape. It may already be too late, as many can't leave their church to follow the Lord... they have
become apostate, like the church they belong. It is better to belong to Jesus than a dead church. Yes, dead churches
sing songs and praise God just like the Pharisees have done and Jesus told them off with strong truthful insults and they
worship God in vain. Are you sure your church is living up to God's standards?
You got to be right 100% or face hell fire. This should make you doubt so you will begin your search for the truth!
Seek and you shall find. Read the Bible.
Our Church Reaches Out To The Public. How? By using television,
radio, newspaper advertising and flyers claiming, "Come worship with us at ......
street Church." You can see the apostasy here can't you? First, Jesus never said
to build a physical church then invite multitudes of "unrepentant" sinners to come worship God that can attract thieves, liars,
criminals and sex crime molesters into the flock. Second, this church is taking the position of "you come to
us, we don't go to the lost" approach. Jesus never said to build a church so the lost will come, but He clearly told
us as individuals to go forth and proclaim the Gospel, to take no money and to not go door-to-door. The apostate church
disobeys the Lord's commands and instructions and teaches its members to follow the church rules and to ignore God's commands.
Many churches will use its members to distribute Gospel tracts, but is only a recruitment advertising
ploy to entice people to come join their church, as if, joining a church will result in salvation (it does not). Many
church members are not saved and are not even born-again or filled with God's Holy Spirit. They are filled with
another spirit that is not of God, but of the devil, just as the Pharisees were in Jesus' time serving themselves and their
father the devil. They do not reach out to the lost, but let the church do the job (whom does it wrong) and they believe
they are truly working for God and bearing good fruit. The Bible does not authorize such thinking or this conduct.
Many churches do not even require members to operate an outreach ministry to save the lost, but
Jesus did command it that we go out to proclaim the Gospel. Lukewarm church members are headed for disaster when
they listen to their church and ignore Jesus' commands. After all, Jesus has the keys to heaven and hell, not the pastor!
Isn't God Love and He Loves All? He loves His own, those
who fear Him. He does not love "everyone unconditionally." God declares in the Bible
He has enemies and those who do not believe in Jesus are under the wrath of God. Jesus also gave clear warnings of severe
eternal punishment for those who do not know or obey God. It's all in the Bible! People will be tossed into hell,
even those who were servants of God on this earth that did not prove faithful or fruitful. The branch is cut
down and tossed into the fire. God loves, but He is a just God and a hard taskmaster, just as Jesus said He was in His
parables. What is the point? The point here is that people are being misled by pastors
that God is pure love and always forgiving and there is no longer any reason to fear God! With the fear of God removed
the flock have no fear of obeying the Lord's commands. No fear of punishment for disobeying the Lord. The
apostate church operates on a pure love factor and teaches the flock they too will enter heaven
as good servants, even though the do not obey the Lord's commands. However, they must obey the pastor's teachings and
the rules of the denomination. The poor church members are mislead to believe in their church doctrines and traditions
and are intentionally lied to create a false sense of security. On the day of judgment Jesus warned that many
who call Him Lord are going to hell, not heaven. These unfaithful servants did not work for the Lord and were not reliable
or merciful to the lost. The fruit they bear is religious piety and God wants no part of them in heaven. Read
those parables again because they pertain to you, not somebody else... you. When I read them I tremble with fear.
Do you? Have you lost your fear of the Lord? Remember, it was the
God of Love who spoke those parables. To whom will you serve today, your church or the Lord God? Choose wisely.
I Have a Large Collection of Love Gifts. Is This Okay? Toss them all
into a dumpster. These love gifts ministers give you for making donations to their ministry are idols. Behind
each idol is a demon, so you have brought demons into your home to influence you. These ministers are begging for money
and God did not say for anyone to beg for money to proclaim the Gospel. God never told
evangelist or pastors to sell idols... he condemns us to have any idols in the Ten Commandments. See how easily
you have been manipulated by these lying ministers? They are very good liars indeed and extremely convincing in their
one-sided arguments as to why you need to support their ministry with financial donations. When the foundation is sand,
let it crumble. These ministers are false Christ's proclaiming that they are anointed to proclaim the Gospel (so are
you, but they won't tell you this truth) and you must support them to reach the lost. To entice you to send money, they
send you a love gift in return. They are making merchandise of the Lord's business, taking
your money and giving you a damaging idol. Leave these ministers not a dime of your money. Get out from
them and stop supporting them. Instead, take your tithe money and invest it yourself into
your own ministry to reach the lost. Now you are certain to obtain the reward Jesus promised when you are a "good
steward" of what God has given you. Invest your money in God's work, but do the work yourself.
The churches can no longer be trusted as most all have fallen away, just as the Lord told us it would in the last days.
Do not give those idols away to curse somebody else, break them and toss them into a trash dumpster. Get rid of every
idol you have in your home... all of them! You can see the trouble this has caused simply because a minister has chosen
to disobey the Lord to beg for money. You fell for it by being deceived, but you should have read your Bible.
You are lucky, because many people will get the same reward as the false Christ, a long stay in hell for being deceived.
Jesus said the deceived are just as guilty and will not enter heaven. Amazing, but true. Jesus strongly warned us not
to be deceived by false Christ's and false religion. Read the Bible again. Better to fear the Lord now while you
still can!
No Discipline is Needed In Our Church. The churches today do not require purity of heart and honesty, they require church members to keep
coming to church services and donate money to the church. There is no discipline upon those who do wrongful things. There are methods outlined in the Bible on how to correct troublemaking members of a church, but
today you will never see these "commands" obeyed. The troublemakers are allowed to remain
in the church to corrupt and divide it even more. Some churches even retain known mobsters, murderers, child
molesters and have actively "protected" these criminals using church funds and influence. This is not what Jesus had
in mind when He said He would build His church. It was not a physical church to build. In fact, it was a spiritual
church, a collection of people, not a church building. Jesus even foretold that the great Temple in Jerusalem would
be destroyed and that is the day the physical church died. If the foundation is wrong, then all sorts of corruption
and falseness arises. The moment a physical church is built the corruption begins.
Already it needs funds for mortgage, utilities, insurance, etc., and this is money that is taken from the flock to enrich
the pastor or a denomination's coffers. Then the church is raised up in the people's eye as being the "savior"
when the church does not save anyone. In any case, once you join an apostate church you
will notice nobody is ever "kicked out" of the church. No discipline is warranted, but Jesus and the Apostles said otherwise.
How Is An Apostate Church Recognized? The apostate church has
one bad habit, it will always disobey the Lord's commands. You won't recognize it though if you do not read your Bible,
alone, without being influenced by others. Read the Bible alone! Ask the Lord to open your eyes to the truth,
no matter how much it may hurt. When you read the Bible again, looking for apostasy, you will begin to see it and it
will frighten you as to how huge it really has become. Apostate churches will always appear as angels of light, but
they do not do the job the Lord commanded. They may do some things right, but the bottom line is they will disobey the
Lord's commands to the point that the church and it's members really do not bear "good fruit" where they are planted.
Some may support overseas missionaries, which looks good, but the crime-ridden neighborhoods in their own neck of the
woods is not reached. The lost will not be saved in an apostate church. And some churches are so good at being
apostate, they can save the lost and get them to join their church to recruit others and it is a big money scam by a slick
pastor to enrich his lifestyle. The apostate church will beg for money! This should be your biggest tip-off.
The moment money is asked for to build something be forewarned that the Gospels do not demand that buildings be built.
Even if it is a hospital, a school, a church building, or whatever. The apostate church members will not be on fire
for God to proclaim the Gospel to the lost. They will sit back and donate money, but they themselves will not reach the lost
on a "daily" basis. Some may even volunteer to work for the church somehow, but to save
the lost is not their cup of tea. What they believe in, they do not do. They bear no good fruit.
They will be loyal to their church and they will not leave their church to follow the Lord. They
will only leave a church to attend another church. But to be churchless is something the can't bear... they must be
a member of a church. It is better to be like the Apostles and to follow Jesus than follow a church that can
not save you.
Our Church is Biblical.
Jesus warned that the gate to heaven was narrow and the road to destruction was wide. Look in your
telephone Yellow Page directory and see all the churches. There are dozens upon dozens. This is the wide road,
it certainly is not a narrow one. Then go downtown and look around and see if you can find any gospel tracts reaching
out the lost for the Lord. You will not find one, or maybe one. But there are 80,000 Christian members in these
churches, in this one city, and all you can find is one Gospel tract? If you had an apple tree that produced on one
apple you would likely cut that tree down. Jesus said He would "cut off" those who do not bear fruit, and He has. Church members have been cut off from the vine and are led to believe a lie, to believe in
their church. They have become "blinded" to the truth. God's Word is truth and when God says, "you scatter
if you do not gather" then it is high time to start gathering or face His wrath. A church that is Biblical will obey and perform the Word of God and will keep God's commands. In fact, they
will "teach them to obey all that I have commanded" as Jesus' final orders before he left earth to heaven. The apostate
church teaches some, but not all. They have become the dead burying the dead. God's Word is life, yet they do not heed
God's commands, so they reap death. Jesus does not care about your church, He cares about
your soul. He cares about what you are doing with the Gospel. Are you truly sharing and reaching out to the lost? Do not deceive yourself. Gather or you are scattering. Try to
reason your way out of that one, you can't.
Our Church Could Never Be A False Church. There are many false churches
and all the members of these congregations truly believe they are not in a false religion. Why? Because they are
told a lie and they believe it without question. If you tell a lie long enough it eventually appears as truth, yet it
is still a lie. God's Word is Truth. Jesus Christ is truth. So, if this is true then you need to read and
adhere to God's Word and the commands and teachings of Jesus. If you allow yourself to come into conflict with God's
word and chose to disregard God's Word to obey a church teaching, then you are in deep trouble. Why? Because on
judgment day Jesus said you will be judged by His (God's) Word. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to not be blind to
God's direct commands. It is very, very, very difficult to find a "true church" that is
obeying the commands of the Lord and teaching the members to fully obey Jesus'
commands. I will give you one tip. If you enter a church and see everyone has Gospel tracts in their pockets,
and when you speak to them they are excited to tell you how many lost people they have reached, you have found a church truly
on fire for God. Proclaiming the Gospel is God's agenda and a good church will bear good fruit in evangelism when the
church members align themselves with God's unchanging purpose... to save the lost! Chances are good that you
are not being taught how to reach the lost and you are not being held responsible to bear good fruit. Most false churches
do everything they can to "play church" but to save the lost is the farthest from their mind. How many people did you
reach last week for the Lord? One? None? Never? Remember, Jesus said to honor the Father is to bear
"much" fruit, not just a little bit of fruit here and there. How many Gospel tracts have you distributed last month?
None? Why, because it is not your calling? It is God's will for you to reach the lost, that is His will, yet you
are not doing it faithfully on a daily basis. Can you see now how your life is not in align with God's will for you?
As a Christian, a true Christian will go to work for the Lord each day, some way, some how. A member in a false church
will become a lazy and disobedient servant. Your pastor is supposed to be teaching you these things.
Hirelings In The Church. Jesus warned that hirelings will not care for the flock.
It means that a pastor that is paid to perform is a hireling and will be more concerned with pleasing his employer pay-master
than to teach the whole truth to the flock, or he/she may get fired or transferred elsewhere. The system of pastors
being paid to perform is not Biblical. The perfect demonstration is Paul. He was
a powerful servant of the Lord who wrote a huge portion of the New Testament and he was a tent maker. He mended tents
to earn a living. He did not beg or require Christians to send him money on a routine basis to support him.
There is no record in the Bible that Peter, John, or any other Apostle became hirelings to the Christian converts. It is not commanded in the Bible to support a pastor with funds from tithe moneys. God
never told Christians to give money to churches to build more physical church buildings, schools, hospitals, etc. The
tithe money again is being robbed from God's work to save the lost. Churches today are
taking God's tithe money funneling all the money for themselves. They even have the gall to claim their church is God's
House! It is not God's House. God does not live inside buildings, he is within you… Can you
at least begin to see the process of how dishonest pastors have instituted traditions that are contrary to God's Word and
the Bible's perfect examples. Christians met in their homes, not in a purchased
building paid for by tithe money or contributions from the flock. The moment a church building is built it will now
require perpetual funding and the Gospel will not be effectively proclaimed to the lost. Hirelings in the church was
Jesus' warning to us and now they are so commonplace, it seems Biblical, but it is really a direct violation of Jesus advice
to not employ hirelings and certainly do not trust them. It is Jesus himself that gave this warning about hirelings.
The big question is... who are you listening to? Jesus or the hireling?
Apostasy Creates Darkness Where the apostate church dwells
it will thrive and grow in the city despite violent crime and death right in their own communities. The church people will
attend services and look their best to give praise to God, but on the way to church they did not leave a Gospel tract anywhere.
On the way from church they did not drop any Gospel tracts where the lost could find them. Of the tens of thousands
of church members in that city you will be lucky to see one gospel tract anywhere 24/7. Christians
are not "motivated" to save the lost. They trust their pastor and church to make financial donations to the local homeless
mission (maybe, if they are lucky) but they themselves have no desire to proclaim the Gospel. There is no such
thing as a real Christian that is silent, hiding their light under a basket so nobody can see. The church member thinks
he is saved, but will be surprised with awful shock to discover that Jesus will close the door and will not let him in to
heaven. Why? Because he never desired and never performed the direct commands of the Lord. In fact he is a criminal in God's eyes violating the commandments of God. Workers of iniquity need not do violent
crimes, but only disobey God's commands and will. The Lord also said to obey Caesar's law, yet these church going
Christians have no qualms of habitually breaking the speed limits when driving to and from church. Oh, everyone is going
faster than the speed limit, but that does not make it right. The law say's 55 miles per hour and to do 65 or 70 is
violation. If you can't obey the laws of man, you will not obey God's laws and commands. He will not have workers
of iniquity with Him in heaven. Stop violating the law of man and the laws of God or you
will perish. This is only an example, but it is true that God will still not have habitual and unrepentant law violators
with Him in heaven. The point is that if you are speeding in your vehicle and disobeying the rules of the road,
then you are disobeying other things too and it will be found that you are also
disregarding the laws and commands of God. Speeding is only one outward sign that you have
become lawless. Read Jesus' warnings about those who violate laws. God's laws still exist and are to be
obeyed, along with the laws of the authorities of men. Why is it your pastor is not teaching you these truths?
Compassion and Mercy Fails In The Apostate Church. Members of the apostate church have not and will not visit the stranger in a hospital, jail or prison. They
send others to do the job for them, but the members themselves will not go. They delegate their personal responsibility
to the pastor to go make hospital or prison visits, yet this is not the pastor's job. His job is it teach, but he's
not even doing that job properly because he is supposed to teach you to go bear fruit for the Lord. The lost are going
to hell for all eternity. Do not think God a fool to ignore this fact that you think you are going to heaven and that
you do not need to be merciful to reach the lost and warn them of their fate. The lazy unprofitable servant is
going to be cast into hell with those he did not warn. Read what Jesus said about these "servants" of His. A servant
is an employee of the Master or King of the Kingdom. The servant belongs to Him. So, Jesus is not talking about
the servant being an unbeliever, but a believer. So there goes one more false theory of "once-saved-always-saved" squashed.
It is being merciful to proclaim the Word of God to the lost. The lost are going to suffer supreme misery and you being
silent to not tell them the Gospel is a perfect example of you not gathering, but scattering. The lost are everywhere.
The greatest missionary field is right inside our apostate churches today! We need to wake
up the dry bones and get them to share the Gospel to the lost. Be compassionate.
The next person you see, just imagine seeing them screaming in hell and knowing that because you chose to remain silent, hiding
your light, he is burning in hell. What is worse? Imagine Jesus saying to depart from Him and He send you
to hell for not following His orders. If you do not believe this can happen, then you have
lost your fear of God because Jesus warned that many cold and dead so-called believers will be sent to hell.
The religious will not get in, but those who do the will of the Father will reside with Him in heaven. God's will is for you
to be merciful and to reach out to the lost. Get your pockets full of Gospel tracts and start leaving them everywhere you
can think of.
The Apostate Church Member Will Not Work. The apostate church member
is very comfortable with his religion and is taught to do nothing for God. You will not see an apostate church member
quietly leaving Gospel tracts or other promises of God's deliverance to people in courtrooms. Here the lost, deep in
trouble, have no one to call upon for help. They do not know that God can and will deliver them from a life of crime.
The community courtroom is full of people facing the judge, each taking turns. Yet, you will not see one Gospel tract
in the courtroom seats, in the waiting or rest room. Not one can be found! There may even be 100,000 Christians in this
city and still not one Gospel tract to be found in the courthouse. Apostate Pastors are
remaining silent and they don't even care for the lost themselves. The Pastor is to teach all the commands of Jesus
to the congregation. That is his job, but woe to these apostate Pastors who cause others to fall and endorse Christians
to produce no good fruit. The lost are being lost by the millions in the USA all because the apostate church
has now bloomed to its fullness, to produce a fruit that is a stench to the nostrils of God. Face the truth now or face
it on the day of judgment. Apostate Christians will not even write letters to television and radio stations to protest
the filth being broadcast into our homes. Have you visited the local courthouse? Go take a look and see what is
going on and leave some Gospel tracts while you are there. Have you written television stations and complain of offensive
advertising? How about x-rated material in the supermarket or bookstore? Can't you see that you can not do nothing
and expect to gather. Jesus said it, you must gather or you scatter. Are you working for God to reach the lost?
Read this spine-tingling article God Hates You
Apostate Church Despises God's Commands. Your church likely is despising
God's commands to your great surprise. How is this done? Easy, just stop preaching
the entire truth of the Gospels. Just pick and choose which nice uplifting subjects to give sermons on. Don't
proclaim the warnings Jesus spoke of. Or, make the congregation believe that Jesus warnings do not apply to them.
Sounds very devilish, huh? If the devil had a plan this could be it to drag millions of Christians into hell (my people
perish for lack of knowledge). Jesus not only gave warnings He also gave us specific commands.
Jesus is not talking to pastors, He is talking to you! Are you truly listening and obeying what Jesus told you to do?
Read the Gospels again and discover His will for you. He wants you to reach the lost for Him. If you do not get
to work for God and take His commands seriously you will face a terrible judgment. Apostate pastors will not
teach you how to proclaim the Gospel to the lost. They will not demand that you produce much good fruit on a daily basis.
He will instruct the retired people who have tons of time on their hand to get
out and leave Gospel tracts everywhere to reach the lost for Christ. Why? Because he does not want you to have
your own ministry and wants you to believe saving the lost is not your job.
This is how they despise God's commands, by not teaching them! They do not require an accounting. They foster
and coddle laziness and unproductive servants. Then what happens is Jesus cuts this church and the members off the vine
to shrivel up to produce no good fruit that matters to God. Read Jesus' warnings about how those who are cut off will
be led to believe a lie (the apostate church's truths are lies in disguise). Be forewarned that you may already be believing
the lies and you may be too deep to escape. You will know them (meaning you) by their fruit. Write down the fruit
you are producing for God and find the Gospel verse where you are obeying Jesus' specific commands. You may discover
you have no fruit at all. Better to discover it now and come back to God than to follow the blind apostate church leaders
into the pit.
Apostasy Is A False Witness.
Apostate pastors want you to believe that you do not need to bear fruit directly for God, but rather you can bear good fruit
by donating all your tithe and offering money into his church. You will never be told or
taught to begin your own ministry to reach the lost. Satan loves churches that stop and obstruct the Word of God being
proclaimed into the community. Satan wants religious people to attend church and even give praise to honor God, but
ultimately insults God by getting everyone to disobey God's commands and keeps those going to hell (the lost) in his demonic
clutches. And, then the ultimate trick is to take the professing Christians to hell. The moment you begin to believe
in your church you are in great danger. Jesus said not to follow a church. He said
to follow Him. He also said that His sheep hear His voice and will not hear another shepherd. Today, everybody
is listening to their pastor's voice and obey it. They think by obeying the church they are doing God's will.
Jesus never commanded anyone to attend a church that does not teach His commands. The false witness is the church that
does not make disciples of its church members. Disciples obey the Word of God and live
it. They don't just attend church, they are busy proclaiming the Gospel to the lost because that is God's will for Christians.
Churchgoing is not an absolute commandment that guarantees salvation. In fact, God would rather you not attend an apostate
church at all, but instead attend to His teachings and commands. If you are not actively saving the lost you are in
an apostate church and listening to an apostate minister. You can't be lukewarm or Jesus
will spit you out of His mouth... that's what He said and that is what He will do! The Lord will not be mocked.
You will reap what you sow. If you do not gather, you scatter. Exactly what are you gathering? When
will you go to work for Jesus? When? If not today, never? If you do not go to work for Him right now you
will not do so tomorrow or next month or next year. You will bear no good fruit and reap
the reward of being cut off. Is it already too late for you? For many Christians,
it is too late.
Where Do Apostate Pastors Come From? They come from apostate
churches. Pastors were once church members who feel they are "called" to be a pastor and
then go to a "college" to learn how to be a pastor and to learn "how to run" a church (which teachings are unbiblical).
The Bible does not authorize or suggest that a Christian attend a seminary college to learn how to be a pastor. Imagine
that! These colleges do not even care who attends their school. They have no rules, so
they let in people who are not born again. They admit and graduate those who are not spirit-filled. They graduate thousands
of apostate pastors each year who are not called by God, but are called by their own personal career choice to become a pastor.
Again, the Bible does not authorize pastors to "make a living" off the backs of Christians and the Bible does not authorize
pastors to take a bank loan to build a church and use God's tithe money to support and enrich himself and his family.
The entire foundation here is not Biblical and is in defiance of God's commands. Just because
everyone is doing it does not make it right. For this is why there are so many apostate
churches. There is a deep underlying greed factor running these churches.
They live and thrive on God's tithe money and they fear to teach God's commands because people
will withdraw some or all of their tithe money to directly proclaim the Gospel with their own mini-ministry.
This would put the pastor out of business and he will have to go get a job, like everybody else... like Paul did in the New
Testament. So, apostate ministers come from apostate churches, they are trained by apostate
seminary colleges and they build an apostate church and then advertise in newspapers and run the church just like a secular
business that it is. Then they build an apostate school and the cycle repeats itself. In the mean time, the lost
at large are not being saved despite the millions of dollars these churches rake in each week. It is a rare occurrence
to come across a Gospel tract today. With millions of Christians in some cities like Los Angeles and Las Vegas and New
York, etc., you can walk the streets and not find one Gospel tract. The lost is not being
reached by these apostate churches and the apostate Christian. You have now seen the wide gate Jesus warned of.
Today pastors could have answered and ad like this; "Get your divinity degree at the school
of prostitution." Most all Bible colleges have prostituted the Word of God.
Strong words but that is the terminology God uses in the Bible.
Apostate Church Members Are Bold For God. When you attend an apostate church you will see some very fabulous and bold speakers. They
are on fire for the Lord, so it seems. They get all worked up and are brave
on stage. Even the pastors are pillars of power and authority. It all seems so good. But now, after church,
you go into town to a fair or motorcycle rally or whatever. You see these bold and brazen on-fire church members at
the event and they have "blended-in" with the crowd. They are not proclaiming the Gospel
to the lost (and the lost is every where around them, too). The pastor is seen and he is too busy having fun to proclaim
the Gospel to the lost. Even the pastor is not leaving a Gospel tract here or there.
He has no interest or motivation to save the lost. In fact, you see thousands of church people doing the same
thing; doing nothing to save the lost. The apostate church teaches (by failing to teach) Jesus' commands to save the
lost. Apostate church members have no desire to save the lost. Jesus and the Apostles actively attended events in their day and did save the lost at the events they attended. That was the example for us to follow, but it is not taught by pastors today.
Why should it be taught when the pastor himself does not adhere to God's commands?
Pastors and their congregations attend expensive retreats, seminars, conferences and cruises
on luxury ocean liners and not one Gospel tract is left behind to reach the lost. The apostate church and its members do not
proclaim the Gospel to the lost. They could care less and that is the truth. I see these apostate church
members in expensive motor homes traveling the nation and when I speak to them I discover they do not even leave Gospel tracts
in their journeys. Not one tract is left behind by them. They do not redeem the time. I leave thousands
of tracts and Gospel Coins behind in each city I visit, each month. There is no excuse
for retired churchgoing RV owners traveling nationwide living it up and not leave a Gospel tract for some other unfortunate
soul to discover God's wonderful promises. This is not being merciful, it is being cruel and cold and uncaring, selfish and
lovers of self, just like the Bible said it would be in the last days. The apostate church is here and you can
see the rotten fruit it bears. If you do not gather, you scatter. Pastors should be an example. When was the last time you saw these "on-fire" pastors downtown on the street and in courthouses trying to reach
the lost for Christ? You won't see it. It is beneath their dignity and it is not "their calling" to save the lost.
Jesus said we are all to evangelize. Pastors are not exempt and you are not excused. Get
to work for the Lord before it is too late. Apostasy will reap a reward in hell's eternal fire. Jesus warned
us about this. If you do not take heed and escape from the apostasy way of life you shall perish. Faith without works is dead. It means if you are not working for God to save the lost you have a dead faith
and you worship God in vain. God will reject you. That is what the Gospel of Jesus warns, over and over
again. You will have no excuse if you find yourself in hell. Why? Because you did not obey the commands
of Jesus Christ. You believe and practiced what the apostate pastor taught you and not God. Who are you really listening
Should I Leave the Apostate Church? Get out now, quickly. Do not even think about staying. Light and darkness have no part
to each other. You must put Jesus first above everything else. If you can't
do that, then you are not worthy of Him. You can't put your hand to the plow and then look
back. You can't put family, friends and peer pressure above the Lord. Come out of her is what the Lord
says in Revelation, so come out the apostate church. Don't join another church right away.
If you are truly following the Lord's commands He will protect you from falling away. Ministers love the scare tactic
that if you do not go to church you will back-slide. This is only true to those who are "pew-warmers."
A true servant of the Lord is not going to backslide. In fact, a true servant of the Lord does not need a church to motivate him to obey the Lord or to work for the Lord. He is already motivated to please the Lord, not the pastor. You
should hear God's voice, not your pastor. You may only be hearing your pastor's voice a bit too much and have
substituted your pastor's voice for the Lord's voice to the point you no longer truly hear the Lord's commands. The apostate church is evil beyond description and is cunning and will use every psychological tactic and
demonic trick to keep you in that church. If you can't leave a church, you are already in bondage to it and have
lost your freedom. Leave the church and follow the Lord. Go to work for the Lord directly and leave the apostate
church behind. Gather your treasure in heaven or the apostate church will certainly steal it from you. Make a deal with the Lord to serve Him, and Him alone, then get to work to reach out to the lost with your own ministry.
Now you will bear fruit for the Lord, guaranteed.
I Tried To Leave My Church But I Could Not Leave. Your pastor (or priest) will sweet talk you to remain inside their church and will even proclaim you are in danger
of hell for not attending church. The Bible never said you are endangered to hell if you do not attend church.
You are being told a lie. It is also a boldface lie to tell people they will backslide into hell if they do not attend
church. The Bible does not say that either. In fact, the Bible never makes any reference
of attending any church saves a lost sinner. What pastors are teaching
and proclaiming is most always lies built upon more lies and deep falsehoods. All of these sweet-talking lies contradict
the Bible which is God's Word and the absolute authority. You could not leave your apostate church because you choose
to believe your pastor over the Word of God. If you do not know the truth in the Bible, blame your pastor! It
is his job to teach you all the commands of Jesus. He is not doing so and is deceiving you. The Bible instructs
you to flee from those who teach not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sure, your pastor says
nice things about Jesus and may even call Him God and makes wonderful prayers and sermons, but you are being deceived if the
pastor does not teach you Jesus commands. He will not teach you Jesus commands because you will "wise up" and "get free"
and leave his church to follow the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
Luring You In. The apostate church will not do what Jesus did to begin
its ministry, it will place newspaper, radio and television advertisements to draw other Christians from other churches.
It wants to steal church members to its church. They will even conduct direct mail campaigns, but you will not see them
do what Jesus did. Jesus did not place advertisements to begin His ministry; He went directly to the lost. He
did not recruit church members. That should open your eyes as to what the Lord thinks about the average churchgoer.
He chose lost persons busy at work in the secular world to be His Apostles. Imagine that! Even the Apostles did
not begin new churches (churches without physical church buildings, but people meeting in homes being the church) using established
religious persons of great faith. They preached to ordinary lost people.
The apostate pastor is not going to waste his time to do likewise. He does not care about the lost, he only wants to
build up "his" church and he will steal, cheat and lie to get the job done. Playing church is his game, not saving the
lost. Apostate pastors do not follow Jesus or Biblical ways of doing things. They do it their way. Other
churches may lure the lost into the church but are dealt a deadly blow by not getting them truly born-again, so the church
fills with false converts to pollute the church and all they want to do is attend church services. Come out of these
apostate churches. Light and darkness have nothing in common.
Church Membership. Jesus did not say you had to attend a church to be saved, but pastors and priests ram it down peoples throats with great fear that if you do not attend
church services and obey the pastor you will go to hell; that the devil will see you all alone and devour you. A born-again
Christian is never alone as God lives within him and they walk together. Pastors must convince all the congregation
to become subject to the pastor or God will become angry with them and not protect
them anymore. Church membership has become awful, as awful as it was when the Pharisees ruled. Jesus is the good
shepherd, not your pastor or your priest. Who are you obeying? Most Christians obey the pastor and the church
and disobey Jesus' commands. Most Christians just attend church and do nothing much else
all week long to proclaim the Gospel to the lost. They are brainwashed to believe that they are serving God by going
to church. This is not a true Biblical teaching at all. There are many Christians serving church and have never
served God. Do not be misled by pastors and priests who want to keep you enslaved to the church. It's the devil's
old trick. Jesus said He came to set the captives free, lost sinners and that means enslaved church members too.
Becoming Worshipers. The church today revolves around the focus of worship.
As if you can't worship God alone on a daily basis. You can. Yet churches demand that worship be performed in
their church to be true worship, otherwise any worship you do on your own does not really count. So, what we have in
the church today is a bunch of do-nothing-for-God worshippers. They sing and pray, serving
God with their lips but their heart is not near God. They do not really love Jesus because Jesus said that if they loved
Him they would obey His commands. They would do the works of the Father. Attending worship service is not
doing the work of God when disobedience reigns supreme. Go forth and proclaim the Gospel to the Lord and then you will
have earned a reason to praise God for counting you worthy to do His work. That is what the Apostles and the early church
did. They did not just become church members attending church worship services. If
they did what the churches do today, the Gospel would never had reached anyone. Everybody is too busy playing church
to take time to reach the lost. Today churches grow not by saving the lost, but by recruiting members from other churches
and from member's getting married and having children (internal generational growth). Jesus
said He would make fishers of men, not take fish from one pond and put it into another pond. He meant to catch wild
fish. He did not say, "I choose you to become special worshipers, follow me and I will show you how to worship God."
Today, that is what the apostate churches do. Everything focuses on the worship service. The devil is not
offended by people worshiping God. He gets awfully upset if you tangle with his lost souls to save them. The apostate
church is really the devil's good friend if he can get you to worship God and disobey God's commands.
Sleeping Watchman. Apostate pastors will not sound the alarm to the flock
when danger arrives. They keep the apostate church system hidden from the eyes of their congregations, as if it does
not exist. They also keep the sheep blinded to the many cults and false religions abounding in their city. Silence
is golden and it is bliss. The false shepherd does not care for the tens of thousands to
millions of other deceived people in their city all going to hell. This shepherd will not lead the flock and show them
how to proclaim the Gospel to those who are in dire need of it. They have to step inside
of his church or no deal. The lost must come to him. This behavior is contrary to the Bible's examples
of proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This pastor, like the others
in town, are all sleeping while the devil busily goes about his work damning the souls of men. Pastors like this
are doing the work of the devil by doing nothing to stem the rising tide. There are too
many highly skilled, but unqualified pastors running churches. They are useless to God when they ignore the lost and
by doing nothing to warn and reach the lost with the Gospel they demonstrate that it is okay to let the unbelievers die in
their sins. This is why you don't see pastors and their congregations busy working to save the lost. They are all too busy worshipping than to be bothered saving the lost. Not once did Jesus say
to anyone, "I can not meet your need right now because I am busy worshipping, come back another time." That is
what these apostate pastors are doing. They ignore the real troubles in the city letting lives become ruined while they
play church. The fruit is you don't see members of their congregation actively
proclaiming the Word of God to the lost. It just does not happen.
You don't even hear them speaking of such things among each other. Witnessing is the farthest thing from their minds.
It is the pastor this flock follows and the pastor is not leading the way, he is sleeping.
Church Membership. That is the goal of apostate pastors is to create new church
members. Attract the public to attend a church service and even design a service special for "new visitors" that will
find the church a nice place to be comfortable in. Of course, violating God's law, the horror of sin and the sinner
repenting is not even addressed. This pastor is creating a monstrous congregation of false converts by getting signed
commitments to Christ, but none are truly born-again or saved! Just getting people to join the church is the real goal.
Pastors do not care for the lost, they just care about growing their own church membership. Once they get the new visitor interested they begin working on luring the visitor
to return again, and again, then begin to work on him to "commit" to increasing commitments to financially support the church,
participate in church programs, etc. In reality, it is like a "private club" where you have to pay to be a member of
the church. God's tithe money is demanded to be used for more church services and programs including mortgage payments,
utility bills, advertising expenses, etc. This church takes in the money and hardly none of it is used to put
food (souls) on God's table (reaching the lost for Christ) it is used for the pastor's purposes, not God's purposes.
In the end a very big apostate church exists and the pastor is fat and happy and you still will not see him personally working
to save the lost. He is only interested in "recruiting" new church members. When this pastor retires, often in
luxurious wealth, he still can't be seen witnessing in public. Why should he? He never was interested in proclaiming
the Gospel to the lost. His job, in his mind, is to proclaim the Gospel to the churched and that is his apostasy revealed. Jesus never said to build a church building or for a pastor to create a church like we have
today. Jesus said that He would build His church (Matthew 16:18), but now we have pastors thinking they can do better.
Church attendance saves nobody. Not one person shall be saved for attending church worship services. The Pharisees
worshipped God and they all went to hell. God wants the lost to be saved. He does not want more worshippers doing
nothing to save the lost. The way to hell is paved with good intentions and
these apostate churches are the high-speed expressway.
The Dead Church. There can be a lot of singing and happy sounds inside of
a spiritually dead church. Of course, pastors know that if you can get the music right the people will sing and rejoice
and God will be happy. Many of these joyous churches have already long ago been clipped off the vine. They have
separated themselves from Jesus Christ and His mission and goals. This church will bear the fruit of nothing.
It appears as a lovely flower in bloom, but it is the flower sitting upon the
graves of the damned souls of men. The dead church does not seek the lost, it just seeks happy church services.
While death and misery strikes the city and the neighborhood from the sinful actions of those bound in sin, these churchgoers
are singing praises to God for being saved. They do not gather, they scatter. The
fruit God desires is for them to go forth and reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But they are too busy
playing church than to get to work for the Lord. They will not work and they will not bear much good fruit, so
God cut them off the vine just as He said He would and will put a curse on those who refuse to bear fruit, like He did to
the fig tree, "Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever." Jesus demonstrated His revulsion of non-bearing
fruit. Christians were warned they would be cut off and not bear fruit. It is happening!
They are still singing praises and doing nothing for God to save the lost.
So, God gives them up to a spirit of believing fables. They love to listen to the false pastor give wonderful uplifting
sermons that will not offend the ears of the congregation. These false pastors will not tell them to go save the lost,
to get involved or to get to work for God each day. The flock believes
the Bible, but do not do what it tells them to do. The church is singing over it's own grave.
Church is Not the Way. Apostate church pastors will brainwash the flock into believing that church membership is the way to glorify God and the louder you sing you bring
more glory to God. Pastors want you to believe that God is pleased with church members who worship Him. But the Bible says being fruitful is the way we glorify God. "Herein is my Father glorified that
ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples." Pastors do not teach or even practice this themselves.
Fruit in Jesus' eyes is not worshipping God with song and dance. He could have had the Pharisees church do that anytime.
He wants souls saved, that is the fruit He wants. Pastors are too busy conducting worship
services and pampering the needs and desires of the flock than to lead them, as he should be leading them, to bear fruit.
The Bible says we are called by Christ to bear fruit. "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen
you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit..." Christians
are too busy being led by apostate pastors and priests to attend church as the "prime goal" to serve God. It is clearly
in defiance of the Bible. The Bible they so reverence, but do not obey. Church is
not the way, Jesus is the way and to be a disciple (anyone who follows Jesus is a disciple) you need to bear much good fruit
or you dishonor God by producing no fruit. The apostate pastor does not believe Jesus on this issue nor will
he instruct the flock to obey. Church is the way, follow it to your doom or follow Jesus' teachings and commands and
be saved. Those who violate Jesus' commands may still feel saved and the pastor will tell them so, but Jesus warned
about being mislead by false shepherds and that hell is the reward to the fearful, unprofitable, unmerciful and lazy servant
of the King. How come your pastor is not teaching you these things? He avoids these parables like a plague because
it will expose him as a false shepherd. You have been warned not to follow or support these apostate pastors and priests.
Filth in the Church. Apostate pastors, priests and denominations reek with filth
within the walls of their churches and in the lives of the church members. Even its leaders are corrupt to the core.
In the newspapers you read of homosexuals being ordained as ministers of the Episcopalian church. The news proclaims
that Roman Catholics have raped children inside the rectories and churches by homosexual and child-molesting priests for dozens
of years and church authorities protected these child-molesting priests from discipline and prosecution. Now millions
of dollars of "God's money" is being wasted to pay off the victims of these horrific crimes. This sort of corruption
is deeply embedded and is not just a fluke. They are also poor stewards of God's money, like most all churches today.
The apostate church is here! Amazingly, many so-called Christians who belong to corrupted
churches will not obey the Lord when He says to leave the church; to come out of her. There are many protestant
churches run by greedy pastors who are thieving money from God's people to support their ministries. There are evangelists
begging for money so they can build a brand new church building or to buy a new jet aircraft. It never ends. But
woe to those who call evil good and good evil and cast their vote to stay within corrupt churches.
By staying you support the evil system and the Lord will blind you so you can no longer learn the truth. The
time to exit these apostate churches is right now, today. The Lord said He will bring a
plaque upon these false churches and those who remain with them will be devoured. Jesus said to come out of them.
Who are you loyal to; your church or Jesus whom you claim to follow? Action is required.
Compromising Pastors. Pastors today are terrified
to preach the entire Gospel. Jesus preached about hell-fire warnings, but you will never hear a pastor preach of hell anymore. Why? The congregation will become upset and will threaten to
leave his church. Imagine that! Instead of preaching the Word, vast numbers of pastors look over their
shoulder to see which way the wind is blowing, examining what other pastor's are doing, then
preach on what is considered politically correct, not what is Biblically correct. So many pastors are doing it,
it is very likely your own pastor is doing the same thing. Jesus preached the warnings
of hell to the lost as a reminder of God's wrath upon the sinner. Pastors bypass hell-fire preaching as being
unnecessary because everyone in his church is saved. Jesus never taught that all of His
servants were guaranteed heaven and His parables prove that the once-saved-always-saved doctrine is false because many of
His lazy, fearful, unfaithful servants were thrown into hell. So, the pastor's church is filled with lukewarm
members bearing no fruit because they no longer fear God. A false shepherd will not enter the Kingdom of God.
He will end up with his congregation in the pit of hell. Then he will preach the truth about hell-fire with great apologies
and mournful regret to all.
Advertising. Pastors sit back and do nothing to save the lost.
They rely on running newspaper and yellow page advertisements, but this is not to save the lost, but to "steal" members from
other churches. Go ahead, read these ads. You will find in the ad classes for Bible study and Worship Services.
The lost does not care to attend these things because they can't relate to them. Not one
will mention the fact that if you are not saved you will go to hell or that God's
wrath is upon you. There is no message for the lost in these or any other advertisements pastor's place with
the media. Their ads are designed only for other churchgoers who may be unhappy with their
church and are "looking" to try another church. If the pastors really wanted to save the lost with advertising,
you would see ads targeted for the lost to read. Pastor's have no interest in saving the lost, despite what they may
tell you otherwise. When was the last time you seen your pastor run ads to reach the lost? When was the last time
you heard him preach a hell-fire sermon like Jesus did? When was the last time you seen him downtown preaching, witnessing,
passing out Gospel tracts to the lost? You won't see him doing it because he could care less about the lost. Jesus said He came to seek and to save those who were lost. Your pastor is not at all
being like Jesus when he is too busy with other things to do than to save the lost. He won't even advertise to the lost,
only to the saved will he spend his dime. He only wants more church members that are already saved.
Church members today can get a promotion for not saving the lost. They get honored with glory by being promoted to church
positions of higher authority. You could start as an usher and the become a deacon and then a minister, a pastor, an
elder, administrator or whatever, but you may have never saved a lost person in your life and have never even tried or care
to. What a fine example to follow. Enough said.
Meet Jesus Here. Some churches may reach out to the community to contact
the lost, but what are they really doing? They are reaching out to the lost for them to not meet Jesus, but to meet
their church! They assume that by getting the lost to attend their church they will become saved. This is not
what Jesus practiced or preached. Jesus and the Disciples went about preaching the Gospel
to the lost and when they were saved, then they were invited to fellowship with themselves. Pastors have twisted
everything around to get people to "come to my church" instead of what Jesus did and said for us to do, "Go into
the world..." If Jesus can't be found outside of the church building, He will not be found inside a pastor's or
a priest's church. You will certainly find religion and the teachings of another Jesus in these churches, but you won't
find the real Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus and His Holy Spirit are still out their in the fields, valleys, cities and towns
willing, able and ready to save the lost. They are not under the direct control of a pastor or priest and they do not reside
inside their church. The Bible says it is not so, don't believe these apostate pastors and priests.
Backsliding. For the true modern-day Disciples of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
who are very busy saving the lost and performing other good works to Glorify the Father, they would consider to join an apostate
church to be backsliding. They would lose
their fear of God and lose their calling to witness and end up like the congregation, just playing church one day a week and
do nothing for God all week long. You won't hear pastors preach about that subject because they want to keep
the flock subjected to themselves, not to the Lord. The church system today if very evil.
It proclaims in sermons and songs their love for God, but they despise His every command and will not obey Him.
It is a Pharisee church system today run by corrupt priests and pastors. This church will take its members straight
to hell, just as Jesus warned in the Bible. The church is full of able-bodied backsliders
and there is only one way out. Jesus said to come out from among them. Who will you obey?
The Lord's Day. You hear apostate pastors and priests speak of the Lord's
day and to keep it holy and that you need to come to church to worship God on "The Lord's Day." The truth is, these apostate shepherds have stolen The Lord's Sabbath and now call it "The Lord's Day." And not just
that, they have changed the days and times of God's Word by presenting the Lord's Day is a day that honors the ancient Egyptian
sun god, Osiris whose day of worship is "Sunday (The Sabbath of the Bible is Friday evening to Saturday evening, not Sunday).
To make matters worse pastors teach these false teachings. You will not find any instruction whatsoever to worship the
Lord on Sunday. This is a man-made fabrication to get you to disobey the Lord's 4th Commandment;
"Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." That day is is Friday evening to Saturday evening. The
Apostles did not instruct the flock to change this day. But do you really know what the Lord's Day is? It is the Day of the Lord, the great day of God's wrath poured out upon all who have perverted the Gospel and is
the day of destruction of those who hate Him in word and in deed, and much more. It is an awful day of judgment.
It is not Sunday Worship Service or is it Sunday itself. How dare these pastors and priests steal the Lord's Day from
Him? There is no Biblical authority for them to do this, no matter how many churches are doing it, it is wrong and it
is a slap in the face of our Lord. Who will you believe, The Lord, or your pastor? Who will you follow?
My Wonderful Church. Any church that is not obeying the Great Commission is
failing God's will no matter what else it is doing. The church can be beautiful inside and the membership huge in attendance
and loud with praise and worship. The sermons can be fabulous and all is
well, so it seems. But if the members of that church are not out reaching the lost for
Christ, it has failed God and God will reject that church and its members. Many apostate churches have already
been cut off the vine and are withering away into worldliness and false religions.
Apostate pastors will teach the flock how to witness to "bring the lost to church" but bringing people to a pastor's physical
church to become a tithes-dues-paying member is not what Jesus had in mind when He gave the Great Commission. Jesus
did not say, "Go, proclaim the Good News of the Gospel and get everyone to attend church services so they can worship God."
But that is precisely what these wonderful churches do that are run by apostate pastors. They twist the meaning of Jesus'
words and parables to suit their own agendas. A true church will be filled with born-again on fire witnesses who are
excited and ready to go forth to proclaim the Gospel to the lost. You don't
see this in apostate churches. That wonderful church is the whitewashed tomb, beautiful on the outside and dead on the
inside and presided over by an apostate pastor preaching the Good News of the Gospel to the churched, but not to the lost. Pastors will not preach to the lost on city streets because they do not see a "reward" for
themselves. They want a financial reward and that comes through church membership, not lost people coming to Christ
for salvation who may not attend the pastor's church. That is his real motive; get people to become members of
his church so they can pay his salary. This church is not so wonderful after all. It is filled with wicked and
lazy servants that produce no fruit for God. If the pastor is apostate, there will be no rescue to the lost. Crime
will continue to escalate in its own neighborhood, its own city because it does nothing to save the lost. The Great
Commission is despised by the pastor and his pew-warming members. They refuse to obey Jesus' commands. Do not
believe a word these apostate church members say. Let's see their fruit of winning the lost to Christ resulting in real
"born-again" believers, not just lazy churchgoers attending church services. Action speaks louder than words. Is your
church a wonderful church? Or is it a fruit-bearing church saving lost souls from hell?
How Can I Expose My Apostate Church? Tell others about how the
church is disobeying the Bible and God's commands. Distribute Gospel tracts that expose false teachings. This
could be your new ministry to expose these false religions and apostate Christian churches and false Christ ministers.
This brings a new meaning to saving the lost. We now have to save the saved, because they
are now the lost. Think about that. They are being deceived and will inherit the fires of hell. Why?
Because they do not truly read their Bible. They read it, but they do not use the Bible
to discover the truth. They skip over the important warnings believing these warning do not apply to them. They
think it applies to somebody else, but all along the Lord is warning them. It is time to become vocal and expose
the false church taking the brethren to hell in a hand basket woven by corrupt and lying ministers, pastors, evangelists and
denominations. Everybody has gotten in on the act and it is almost impossible to find a "true church" today. There
has been a great falling away and it is Apostasy Now!
You can also do a Website search for "Ministry Watch" or "Apostate Church" "False Gospel" or "Christian Cults" or visit our
Christian Links Page to discover sites of interest. Ministry Watch
will expose those corrupted money-grabbing wolves in sheep clothing living in opulence while begging you with lovely sweet-talk
pleas to send them money to proclaim the Gospel. Remember, Jesus never told us to beg others for money or to go door
to door; not even to proclaim His Gospel. He said don't do it! You can see these television ministers disobeying God
and you can see church pastors begging for money or selling products inside their churches. If Jesus had a whip in his
hand today these pastors would be lashed for merchandising a house of prayer and driven away.
How Bad is the Apostate Church? It is the most evil, lying,
deceptive system on earth. Satan is a clever liar from the Garden of Eden and today he is still lying to God's people.
He has so many ministers posing as loyal servants of Christ it will make your head swim. Hardly a church is spared it
is that bad! Before Jesus came the Jewish religion became grossly apostate. Satan has his ways of infiltrating
and taking things over. Today, he has taken over the churches one by one over hundreds of years. The church today
has no true resemblance of the early New Testament church. The church member today has
a "false conversion" and is not truly born again and has no desire to proclaim the Gospel, unlike the early church members.
What we have is the religious apostate system the Bible warned us about in the last days... it is here in full bloom!
It likely could not get worse than it is right now. Thousands of apostate ministers are graduated from seminary colleges
worldwide and are building new churches every day. Look around and you will see new churches. We
don't need more new churches, we need more born again workers for Christ.
More disciples and less churchgoers. God does not need more religious pew warmers disobeying God's commands.
You need to come out of the apostate church. In 2 Timothy 2:22 he says that he fellowships
with all who call upon the Lord out of a pure heart. - 2 Timothy 2:22. We have many calling upon the Lord, but
they do not have a pure heart to serve the Lord in truth. They are serving their church and their pastor and disregard
the commands of the Lord like a bad habit. We now have the church of liars and hypocrites who vigorously defend their
church and religious views over the commands of the Lord. It can't get worse than this. God does not want worship
at the expense of obedience. Today, God only gets worship and obedience
is forsaken. Woe to the pastors who foster this apostasy upon the flock.
A millstone is reserved for them! If you can't fellowship with the faithful, then don't fellowship with apostate church people.
Build your personal relationship with Christ and Him alone and walk alone if need be until you
do find a true church group that adheres to the Bible as truth.
Part Time Christians. The church today produces part-time Christians who do not
work for the Lord to proclaim the Gospel, except when convenient to themselves when they are out socializing or playing golf
with a friend. They proclaim the Gospel to other churchgoing Christians,
but never to the wicked unchurched lost. Fun, adventure and thrills are the only things on these Christians minds.
That is what they thrive for. You don't see churchgoing Christians on fire to proclaim the Gospel to the lost.
It is the very last thing they want to do. Personal happiness and bliss is what they seek for themselves and the lost
can very well just go to hell. This is what the apostate church produces; a fake Christian
with a false conversion that will serve mother church, but not Father God. Oh, they say they do serve God, but
their works prove they have deceived themselves. Just ask them, "How many lost people
have you personally reached last week? Last month? Last year?" The answer is the proof
in the pudding. Most will be shamefully silent, but they still will not repent and get
to work full-time for the Lord to save the lost. Some will say it is none of your business because they are hiding
and have been caught not witnessing as they know they should be doing. They put away this sin of disobedience hoping
God will not see it, but He does see this sin and it will not be forgiven because the sin is gross and intentional and has
not been repented of. God says in the Bible He will hold the blood of the lost upon his
servant who does not warn the lost person of his pending destruction. God does not lie and He will keep His promise.
This is the great sin of the Apostate church system that is deceiving many. It is the flourishing of the cults in full
bloom, a beautiful garden of disobedient children of God.
Criminals in the Church. Pastors have opened wide the church doors to dedicated
unrepentant sons of hell. Those devils who worship Satan may become church members. False converts are encouraged
to mingle with the faithful. Murderers, rapists, thieves, con-artist, may arrive at any time and sit right next to you.
They may even scope you out and follow you home and later you become their victim. Pastors have distorted the example
given by the New Testament church. They New Testament church never allowed unrepentant,
non-baptized and non-born-again persons into their home-fellowship meetings (church service). If they did they would be have
been turned in and killed by authorities persecuting them. Pastors do not do what Jesus and the Apostles did;
they went into the fields and cities and towns and preached the Gospel to the lost. Those who believed and were
baptized were accepted into church fellowship. They did not permit hardened criminals to yoke with them. Now you
can see your pastor advertising in newspapers, radio, television, the yellow pages of the phone book inviting everybody no
matter what state of mind or how deep into sin to come into his church. He is only interested in membership growth,
at all costs. It is no secret criminals exist in the church, even mafia-like gangsters dressed in their Sunday best worship
God in church. It is not surprising then to see child molesters in the pews beside thieves, drug dealers, womanizers and home-wrecking
prostitutes. Church is not for sinners, it is a gathering of born-again Christians.
However, the physical church building steals the Christian's true identity and purpose, robbing
us of our personal fellowshipping with other born-again Christians. Now you know why there is crime and scandal
inside churches; pastors let the devil's servants in and they do not dare remove them from the
assembly. This is the pastor you trust to protect your soul? This false shepherd not only remains silent
instead of sounding the alarm when the wolf and lion appear, he actually opens the gate to let them in to steal the sheep
away! Jesus said for you to beware of false prophets and teachers. You should fear
these false prophets. They are very good at deceiving people. What to do? Get out of the dangerous
apostate church system. Assemble yourselves with born-again Christians only in your own
homes just like the New Testament church did. Can you see the corruption that begins once a physical church is
built? It is the very foundation of the evil apostate system and from this foundation it thrives and waxes worse by
the day.
Why Use Gospel Tracts? Because it is a good place
to begin. It requires no skill or talent to remove a piece of paper from
your shirt pocket and slip it between a can of beans at the supermarket, or leave on a newspaper stand or phone booth.
If you can't even do this easy task to proclaim the Gospel to the lost you are in serious trouble with God. You
can't remain silent as a Christian and expect God to honor you and give you eternal life. Faith
without works (works to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost) is dead. God will not let the dead into
heaven. He is saying, let the dead bury the dead and you come follow me to proclaim the
Gospel. Read Jesus' Gospels and you will see His commands apply to you. Do not be mislead
that you are saved or born again or filled with the Holy Spirit if there is no change in you. All who are born again
will have a strong zeal to save the lost, just like the Apostles and the Disciples has had. Once you are saved
God will preserve you, but there are way too many church members who are not born again and think they are. The apostate
church has done a great job of deceiving people. Just start with Gospel tracts. Leave
them everywhere you go. You will then be working for God directly. Do not stamp your church name on the tracts.
The Lord's arm is not so short that He can direct a saved person to the church He wants them to attend. Do not get involved
with recruiting new church members. Just put out the Word of God and let God be God. Click here for free Gospel tract samples. Click here for a free Gospel Coin.
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine,
but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers, and they will
turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables." 2 Timothy
Jesus said the truth will set you free. He wants to set you free from false religion and the apostate church. Set free for what purpose? So you can work for Him
and not work for the apostate church, or worse bear no good fruit. You can store up treasure in heaven by performing
acts of mercy and to share the Gospel with the lost who need God's miracles and love, to deliver them from Satan's grip.
To be set free to do good works, to bear much good fruit. The choice is yours. To whom will you serve? You
can not serve two masters. The gate to heaven is a narrow gate - James Russell Publishing.com. Here are a short listing of additional resources for you.
Learn More - Free Magazine
There is a free magazine Testimony of Truth for the asking. You should obtain a free
subscription, read the articles, verify these articles with your King James Version Bible and discover the truth that will
set you free. Below is a mailing label you can use. Simply print this entire page, cut out the label, affix to an envelope and mail with a letter indicating you wish a free subscription.
You can also reach them on the Web at: http://www.people-livinggod.org or e-mail: polg@blomand.net
366 Cove Creek Road
McMinnville, TN 37110-9512
Learn More - Monthly Magazine
Write for a free sample of a bi-monthly magazine titled: "A
Magazine of Biblical Fundamentalism" revealing the Apostate Church System.
Fundamental Evangelistic Association
Learn More - Monthly Magazine
Write for a free sample of Gospel tracts and booklets revealing
the Apostate Church System.
Sword Of The Lord
Visit Ministry Watch to see the many false apostate
churches being discovered and exposed.
Click here to read our free Biblical Facts - Can You Believe It? article about apostate churches.
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Barean Call
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PUBLISHING RIGHTS - the article is copyrighted November 1, 2004, but you are granted the right to publish the article herein titled "Apostate Church - Apostasy Now" in perpetuity.
You must include the entire article as is, with no changes of wording. That includes the commentary section by James
Russell. We do request you give full credits to James Russell Publishing and to post an active Website link to James
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