Nobody Has Taught You
I pray
that you will hear what God has given me to say, and that you will understand and that He will open these words to you.
You do
not fear God!
You steal,
you covet!
You lie,
and you lust!
You have
heard the Ten Commandments, but you really don’t care.
You believe
in cheap grace.
You believe that God will “just forgive you”.
You believe
that God will not hold you accountable because “He is all forgiving”.
You believe
that because “he loves you” that you can even get away with hating your brother or even murder.
You really
do not fear God.
nobody has ever taught you to fear God, Jehovah, The Almighty One, the Creator of the universe.
most ministers, in churches, or bible studies, never talk or preach about the judgment of God, or even the wrath of God…
All we
hear about is that “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life”
or “how Jesus can fix all of your problems and make you so happy and content in your life”. This is a lie. God does have a plan, but it may not be wonderful.
Do you
know that God has a plan for you to be saved through repenting and trusting Jesus Christ alone to save you? But if you reject
God’s plan, then you will be damned to hell for-ever.
God gave
you the Ten Commandments as a guide line, a set of rules to show you that you cannot live up to His holiness and perfection.
His law is a schoolmaster to force you to the
foot of the cross.
To show
us all, how evil and corrupt, we all are. Not just you, but all of us…
plan was to show us that only by repenting and trusting in Jesus Christ to save us, could we be saved.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever believes
in Him, “should” not perish but will have ever lasting life.
Here is
the catch that nobody ever talks about, or preaches about, “should”
but not always “will”. You can still walk away from Him, and still
go to hell because you rejected Him, and His plan of salvation.
You have
been taught that if you say a little prayer, “that you are saved”, and that now you can go out and live like “hell”. You really think that a little prayer,
that you really don’t even believe, will save you. This is not even found in the Word of God, this is another lie from
hell, yet 90 % of the church believes this lie, and they will all end up in Hell because of it.
You have
also been taught “just believe in Jesus and you will be saved”. You
can believe all you want too and still end up in hell. This is a lot like a parachute, you can believe in it all you want
to, but until you trust it to save your life, by putting it on, cinching up the belts and actually jumping out of the plane
and pulling the rip cord, now this is trust. You can believe in it all you want too, put it under your arm or stuff it back
under the seat, but until, you actually trust it to save you, you are still lost.
Lots of
verses in the Word of God can be taken out of context and we believe what is being taught to us, but until we take what God
has given to us, in order of what and how, He designed for us to follow, then we are in trouble, if we follow man and what
he says, we may end up lost.
2nd Tim 2:15 Study to show your self approved to God. A workman that needs not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
God says in the Word of God, that you must repent and trust
Jesus Christ to save you and to be baptized in water and to be baptized with the fire of the Holy Ghost…
means turning away from your sins, walking away from sin and following His holiness.
Do you
understand, what the Ten Commandments were given to us for? They show us that we have lied, stolen, coveted, lusted, used
God’s name as a curse word, they show us that we do not put God first in our lives, above everything. We are to love
and honor Him, there are no excuses… One sin can throw us into hell, if we have not repented and trusted in the Lord
to save us.
The Lord
God, had a plan of how to get saved and for many years, men of God were obedient to the plan and preached it to the lost,
and many were saved biblically, but somebody evil came up with a short cut, here is what happened…
Men have
folded parachutes for a very long time according to the manufacturer’s directions, each fold has to be perfect, it is
a very slow painstaking job, but if followed correctly, it works. Many people put on a parachute and they jump out of planes
and they make it, time after time to the ground safely.
But, someone
came up with a short cut and parachutes could be folded in just a few minutes, every one was thrilled, and every body started
folding them the quick way, and for a while, every body was happy…
But, then
reports started coming in, that 90% of the parachutes were not opening, 9 out of 10 people were being killed, because the
parachutes were not opening correctly…
one was horrified and sickened by what they were hearing, and immediately stopped folding the fast way, and they went back
to the manufacturer’s instructions, they went back to the proven ways.
But many rejected the truth, and they said, but we have proof that our ways work and
we want to do our fast ways because it is easier and people like it and we are not going to change for any reason, so leave
us alone…
The fast
folders are a lot like the church, get people to say the “sinners prayer”, no repentance, no trust, just a better
way of life and happiness, the short cut people, are happy, that people said a prayer and they got a new notch in their belt
and new people to join their “social club”, who over the years will fill up their churches and give lots of money
to their building funds, and pay their salary’s, and help to build their kingdoms and not God’s kingdom. Every
body is excited; and every one thinks that they are saved…
one, But God is not pleased, in fact, he is very angry, this is not the plan that He gave us, this is a lie from the devil
and man bought it “hook line and sinker”.
The problem
is that these people are just as lost, as to those, who they are preaching to, and when you go to them, they don’t believe
or care, because this is how they were taught, the bible schools and cemeteries –seminaries, teach the false doctrines
of men and devils and nobody cares.
2nd Tim 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn
They have a form of godliness, but it does not line up with the word of God and now
men will end up in hell because of their lies and deceitfulness… and every body who believed the lie is damned and on
their way to hell, because they listened to the pastors instead of studying the word of God for them selves and holding the
ministers accountable for what they preached in their sermons…
No body
was shown the Ten Commandments. Nobody understood what sin was, nobody was preaching about repentance and trust, but the word
of God does, but we are to busy following a lie and we were all on our way to hell…
plan is to show us the Law, the Ten Commandments and how sin separates us from God.
God hates
sin, all sin. Even a small sin and God can not look at us; we are evil in His sight…
God loved
us so much He sent His son to be a blood sacrifice, His penalty for sin is death, but the blood of Jesus Christ, is God’s
payment for our sins, if we repent and trust in Jesus Christ. With out the blood of Christ and His resurrection from the dead,
we are damned to hell.
It does
not matter to God, how good you think you are. In God’s sight, with out the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, you are evil
and going to hell.
You must
make a choice, God says: if you do not follow Jesus Christ, then you have made the choice, you are of the devil and you will
go to hell for ever.
to God and His word.
If you
will repent and turn away from your sins and trust in the Lord, you will be saved, but you must continue to walk in Him daily,
hour by hour, minute by minute, this is the hardest road that you will ever follow. You must do this with all of your heart;
everything in you must glorify the Lord. You must not waiver or fall, if you walk away and deny the Lord, you will be damned…
You must
love the Lord, with all of your mind heart and soul. This is not a game; this is the hardest race that you will ever do. But
here is a really great promise from the Lord, when you are truly His, He said that He will never leave or forsake you; this
means that if you learn to listen to Him, that you will hear His voice in your heart and mind, but you must learn to be quiet
and still.
He will
walk with you and talk with you, you are never alone, He is always with you, leading you and guiding you…
When you
are his, and you cry out to Him, He will listen and guide you…
are promises to those who are called by Him, to those who He has called…
But, if
there is unrepentant sin in your life, He will not hear your voice, you must live in constant repentance and follow only Him,
For He is God…
You will
continue to grow closer to Him daily, He says “My sheep hear my voice.
This will
always be a growing relationship…
believers will fall into sin, we all make mistakes, but if we confess our sins and repent, He will hear us when we cry out
to Him…
The ungodly
will dive into sin and stay there, unless they repent, God will not hear their cries because they are separated from Him...
Yes, you
will still make mistakes, but if you are following the Lord, He will lift you up and sustain you…
Mark Beauchamp
Taken from “Way of The Master” Ray Comfort