"My Father's Gift" Ministries

"My Father's Gift" Ministries
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Church In The Wind
Watchman Cliff Hilbert
The Search For Hunger by Andrew Strom
KUNDALINI WARNING article by Andrew Strom
The Two Secrets Of Revival /article by Andrew Strom
Mark / Nobody Has Taught You / Sermon
God Is Saying / Short Sermons by Mark
Minister Qoutes from The Great News Network
NIV Bible vs The King James Bible
King James Bibles - my favorites
The Authorized King James 1611/2007 Bible
The Ten Commandments Article
Pastors and Hell, A very heavy dream by Pastor Steve Kriens
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The Fear Of The Lord, article
George Street article
Ray Comfort's Monthly Column
PONDER THIS article by Ray Comfort
links to "Are you a good person test"
True and False Conversions /article
Hells Best Kept Secret / article
NEW/ Articles on Forbidden Foods
Ten Reasons Not To Ask Jesus Into Your Heart by Todd Friel
Ask Jesus Into Your Heart by Andrew Strom
Effective Witnessing by James Russell
Employment Opportunity by James Russell
Tips Every Motorcycle Ministry Member Should Use James Russell
Apostate Church by Jame Russell
What About Eating Pork

God Is Saying / Short Sermons by Mark

God is saying to all of us, “What are you watching on TV/MOVIES? What music are you listening to? What activities are you involved in? What are you giving yourself permission and license to do?” Do our lives please GOD and glorify Him? Do our thoughts & actions line up with scripture? We need to judge ourselves and give NO PLACE for sin;

NO PROVISION for the flesh! Rom 13:14 Jesus is coming for a Bride, without spot or wrinkle. God has dealt with Susie and I on these very issues.

God spoke to our hearts, “if it takes My Name in vain only one time, is that too much? If there is dirty talk or just one sexual situation or innuendo, is that too many? How many times will you allow these before you will turn it off? I cannot and will not use you further until these idols and abominations are gone from your life.” We knew that we had to respond and choose that day whom we would serve.

May 24 2009 Flagstaff AZ     


How will there ever be fear and reverence for God if no one can show them. When we have no fear or respect for the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, the Creator of the Universe.

We are in deep trouble…

We may be on the way to hell.

When there is no repentance and trust in Jesus Christ, Where is the holiness before our Lord and God?

If there is no understanding of the law and how we have broken the Ten Commandments, how will we ever change and get our hearts right before the Lord.

We may follow the world straight to hell, but we forget about the statutes of the Lord.

TV consumes us, the world consumes us, idols consume us, yet the Lord rebukes us and chastises us, yet we don’t hear or listen…

Where is our fear of The Lord…?

Is it because we do not even know Him…

Why are our hearts not broken…?

Why are we thinking and acting like this is a game…

Why do we think that we make the rules…?

How can we be so blind…?

How long do we think that we can get away with this…?

God will punish us and send us to hell, and we act like we don’t even care…

The lost are going to die and burn in hell,

                                                Yet we don’t even care

                        Is it because, most of us will go with them…

God forbid!!!!!

WE must repent and trust,



I tell you

You must repent!

We are so full of sin,

We are so full of ourselves,

Are we really serving God, or are we serving mammon and sin,

Our hearts are full of sin and God’s wrath is upon us, as we speak God’s heart is grieved by our action.

We are about to be judged harshly.

Our churches are so full of sin,

They preach peace

They preach prosperity

Religion is killing us with their lies,

 We are lukewarm,

God will spew us out of His mouth,

We are lost because of our constant sin,

We constantly lie and cheat and covet and lust,

We are fat with sin,

We are rich with goods, and have need of nothing,

We are damned, if we don’t repent!!!!

Examine your hearts,

Our hearts are wicked,

We are not serving God,

We are serving Satan,

We are self centered and full of sin,

Our sin damns us to hell….

I see us in a state of constant party.

We don’t worship God.

We play games

We get rich,

We strive for wealth and we strive for happiness,

Do we truly follow God, or are we lost…


Do you realize, if you don’t repent and trust Jesus Christ, what hell will be?



2 Tim 3:1-2

1       This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2       For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,


Rev 21:7-8

7       He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

8       But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.




Do we even care that the lost are going to hell and we won’t even get out of bed.



We have been taught to just say the sinners prayer, with out repenting, with out knowing that we have broken the Ten Commandments and that we deserve the fires of hell and that the wrath of God is upon us, and when we come to Jesus Christ, we do it to improve our lives and to make us happy and not to escape the wrath of God.

Then we are taught to help the minister build his kingdom, not the kingdom of God, but the kingdom of the minister and we are to pay our tithes and offerings to him the pastor, and he will go forth and be our spokesperson, and that we are just to sit here until we die, but we were promised that we are sons and daughters, because we said a little prayer…and we joined his little social club, with all of the other fine people just like ourselves…

But what about the Holiness of God, what about repenting of our sins that we have committed against God almighty, what about living pure and holy lives before God, What about reaching the Lost, what about our neighbors, the family across the street.

We sit in our man made church’s, with our beautiful carpeting and our soft cushions with our wonderful sound systems, smug and assured that we are on our way to heaven, and that every thing is just wonderful…but you have bought the lie of the enemy, and if you do not repent and trust the Lord, He will cast you into hell, because you are not obedient…


What about a body of believers that comes together, not just to fellowship, but to learn Biblical Evangelism, how to share your faith, how to lay hands on the sick, how to love God with all of our hearts minds and souls, how to walk in warfare,