We have been a ministry of helps for many years, helping other ministries
so that they could go forth to the highways and byways...
When the Lord called
me to the ministry, He did not do it man's way, with a building or a church, or from behind a pulpit... He called me to the
Highways and Byways,and to the streets. He spoke to my heart and He broke my heart,and He said GO Ye
minister with the tools that He has provided...
We help where ever God tells us to go, we
help with setting other ministries up and we help put them away, we help by keeping their RV appliances running and working
correctly, we help with washing dishes or even playing guitar annointed by our Lord to help set the captives free or Susie
signing for the Deaf so that they too can worship the Lord.
We have even helped build a bus
for another ministry so that they too could go forth.
The Lord has now ordained us to help
preach and minister in the ways of Biblical Evangelism, Preaching the Ten Commandments to break the proud and preaching grace
to the humble, this is nothing new, this is the way that Jesus Christ has always preached, along with the Apostles and Spurgeon
and Phinney and all the great ministers who are called by the Lord...
We minister to bikers
and RV'ers and rodder's and anybody that the Lord puts in our path, we even walk the streets and pass out tracts that
are from Way of The Master and Living Waters...
I have been exhorting and preaching and
teaching, one on one for many years, almost never from behind a pulpit, but almost always with pen and paper and now a computer
key board and a monitor and the internet.
Susie has been writing to prisoners for many years
and helping the Lord to set them free from many bondages, with a heart full of joy she helps others with, words of encouragement
so that the Lord can set the captives free...
"My Fathers Gift" Ministry and Highway Ministers travel
the roads of America and Canada to help others as we are called, in a converted greyhound bus and with a harley and now a
1959 F-100 classic truck...
Now the Lord has blessed us with a 30 by 50 gospel tent complete with 50 chairs
and carpet, so for right now, we are waiting on Him for guidance and direction and the words to preach...
have many God given talents and abilities, that we will share, as we are called forth in His Name...
comforts the afflicted
Mark afflicts the comfortable
sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they perish, let them perish with our arms about their
Let no one Go there Unwarned and Un-prayed for." Charles Spurgeon
you a good person
Have you kept the Ten Commandments?
you mind if we look at them?
Have you ever told a lie, even a white lie?
you ever stolen something, even if it was small, like a pen or paper clip or a candy bar, any thing makes you a thief, even
if it was 10 or 20 years ago?
Have you ever looked at some one with lust? Jesus said, "Who
ever looks at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart." (Mathew 5:28)
you ever used God's name as a curse word? That is called blasphemy. "The Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who miss uses
His name." (Exodus 20:7)
By your own admission you are a lying, stealing, blasphemer and adulterer
at heart and we have only looked at four of the Ten Commandments.
And you have to face God
on Judgement Day. When God judges you according to the Ten Commandments, Will you be innocent or guilty, when you stand before
God, will he send you to Heaven or Hell...
Sin isn't just doing things we shouldn't. It is
also not doing the things that we should. "Any one who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." (James 4:17)
You cannot compare your self to others to see if you are good, you have to use God's standard's
to compare to. The standard is God's Law, the Ten Commandments.You must answer for every sin that you have ever committed
on Judgement Day when "each one of us will give an account of himself to God" (Romans 14:12)
cannot just ask for forgiveness. Try that in a court of law. Justice demands that you pay for your crimes.
is a Holy Righteous Judge. He hates sin! Jesus warned that God in His wrath, will cast all who sin against Him into eternal
fire. "Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Mathew 13:42)
is only one way to God
God loves you so much that He sent His son Jesus Christ to suffer and
die for your sins..then He rose from the grave---defeating death.
You can
not earn eternal life.
It is God's Gift to all who humble themselves and come to Jesus and
"Turn to God in repentance and have faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ." (Acts 20:21)
will forgive your sins and give you a new heart!
"If anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation."
(2nd Cor 5:17)
Read the Bible and obey it, and find a good Bible believing body of believers, to
help you grow and tell others the Good News...